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1 Mpho Mathabathe: Researcher Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services Analysis of SONA (2012)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mpho Mathabathe: Researcher Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services Analysis of SONA (2012)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mpho Mathabathe: Researcher Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services Analysis of SONA (2012)

2 2 Introduction SONA was delivered on 9 February 2012 at a joint sitting of both houses of Parliament The theme for this year is “Knowledge economy and development opportunities” The address did not identify any specific issue with regard to Correctional Services However, a number of issues which are cross-cutting across depts and relevant to DCS can be identified and includes: The fight against corruption

3 3 Introduction (Cont..) Vetting of personnel Infrastructure development Targets of 2% for disabled people in public sector Women empowerment and Gender equity.

4 4 Fight against Corruption This has been raised since 2009 in the President’s State of the Nation Addresses Corruption may distort and degrade our economy and compromise service delivery Research found that corruption is cited as the single greatest impediment to development A number of initiatives were introduced by government to deal with corruption including:

5 5 Fight against corruption (Cont..) Anti corruption strategy; establishment of the Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigation ; Tender Compliance Unit and Supply Chain Fraud Unit. Recently the establishment of Cosatu’s Corruption Watch Initiative on 26 January 2012 In addition, there should be an unequivocal commitment to clean governance which prerequisite to the fight against corruption

6 6 Fight against corruption (Cont..) DCS has also taken a stand against corruption through a number of initiatives including the establishment of the Departmental Investigation Unit and the Implementation of the Fraud Prevention Plan The anti-fraud and corruption of DCS resulted in the department being rated as the third most efficient of 85 departments and public entities by the Department of Public Service and Administration

7 7 Fight against corruption (Cont..) This has also resulted in recovery of R2.5 m recovered from debt by officials found guilty of defrauding the departments’ medical aid scheme and a conviction rate of 90% of officials found guilty of corruption Corruption related cases In 2008/09 there were 143 cases In 2009/10 there were 87 In 2010/11 there were 172

8 8 Vetting of personnel Issue of vetting has been an issue raised by the Portfolio Committee in a number of meetings with DCS Vetting has been a challenge for DCS Vetting has been a sole responsibility of NIA but because of capacity constraints departments were requested to establish their own Vetting Field Work Units In 2007 September Vetting Policy of DCS was approved by the Minister and in November same year Vetting Field Work Units established

9 9 LESSONS FROM THE PAST The Unit also experienced challenges as it was understaffed mainly because of Moratorium on filling of vacancies in DCS Data (2010/11 AR) shows that only 2478 officials out of 40 286 were vetted in DCS. Vetting (Cont..)

10 10 Infrastructure development SONA has put lot of emphasise on Infrastructure development as vehicle towards job creation, skills development and sustainable development DCS has been engaged on a number of project including Ceres, Brandvlei and Vanryhnsdorp to create 965 new bed spaces Some of the facilities which are being upgraded include, Burgersdorp; Estcourt; Tzaneen; Ingwavuma; Zeerust and Nongoma. Upgrading of Infrastructure projects in these facilities will create employment for local communities and skills development

11 11 Infrastructure development (Cont..) The delays in finalizing the construction means people are denied the opportunity to earn an honest living and the state is spending more money than budgeted for originally The Committee raised serious frustrations regarding the delays in construction of these facilities as it happened in New Kimberley

12 12 Infrastructure development (Cont..) The Committee also raised concerns regarding money allocated for funded post which are not filled and that money used for other things Some of the delays were as s result of late delivery of materials, additional scope changes, inclement weather, additional public holidays as well as additional builders holidays.

13 Gender Equality and Woman Empowerment The president indicated that work is being done towards the Women Empowerment and Gender Equality Bill in order to promote compliance both in government and the private sector This is in line with a number of International instruments that uphold the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of sex such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights The State of the Nation Address also indicated that departments were directed to ensure that the target of 2% disabled person in public service was met 13

14 Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (Cont..) DCS employees profile: Out of 40 108 : 11 312 are females Out of 40 108: 5591 whites; 673 indians; 5758 coloureds and 28086 blacks (males and females) 221 disabled persons in DCS Out of 11 top management: 4 are women of which 2 blacks, 1 white and 1 indian. 14

15 Issues for consideration by the Portfolio Committee Monitor implementation of both Anti-Corruption Strategy and the Fraud Prevention Plan within DCS Monitor implementation of the recommendations from various institutions that investigated corruption in DCS Monitor progress of certain reported cases of corruption in DCS DCS should inform the Committee regarding money allocated for funded posts which are not filled Monitor situation in the Western Cape with regard to issues of Equity. 15

16 Progress on issues raised in the 2011 SONA Two issues raised in 2011 SONA which were cross-cutting and also relevant to DCS are; creation of decent work and fighting corruption DCS should update the Committee on positions filled in 2011 as part of their mandate to create decent work In terms of corruption, DCS should provide the Committee with the following information: How many cases of corruption were reported and investigated in 2011 16

17 Progress on issues raised in the 2011 SONA (Cont..) How many of those investigated were charged? How many were acquitted and how many were convicted? What was the sanction in each case?. 17

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