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Categories Mrs. Dorsey Judaism/Christianity/Islam Hinduism/Buddhism Religions Review Game.

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2 Categories Mrs. Dorsey Judaism/Christianity/Islam Hinduism/Buddhism Religions Review Game

3 Categories 500 400 300 200 100 TeachingsSymbols Leaders Geographic Origins Books

4 Categories This is the holy book of Christianity. Books 100 Points

5 Categories Books Response 100 Points The Bible

6 Categories Books Prompt 200 Points This is the sacred text of Judaism.

7 Categories The Torah Books Response 200 Points

8 Categories Books Prompt 300 Points This is the holy book of Islam

9 Categories Books Response 300 Points The Koran / Qur’an

10 Categories This is the name of the sacred writings in Hinduism. Books Prompt 400 Points

11 Categories The Vedas Books Response 400 Points

12 Categories This is the name of the holy writings of Buddhism. Books Prompt 500 Points

13 Categories The Sutras Books Response 500 Points

14 Categories Name the geographic origins of Judaism. Geographic Origins 100 Points

15 Categories Geographic Origins Response 100 Points Mesopotamia/ Canaan/ Israel

16 Categories Geographic Origins 200 Points Where did Christianity begin?

17 Categories Judea/Israel Geographic Origins Response 200 Points

18 Categories Where did Hinduism begin? Geographic Origins Prompt 300 Points

19 Categories India Geographic Origins Response 300 Points

20 Categories Geographic Origins Prompt 400 Points What is the geographic origin of Buddhism?

21 Categories Geographic Origins Response 400 Points India

22 Categories Where did Islam begin? Geographic Origins Prompt 500 Points

23 Categories Mecca/ The Arabian Peninsula Geographic Origins Response 500 Points

24 Categories This man is known as the Father of the Hebrews and the founding leader of Judaism. Leaders Prompt 100 Points

25 Categories Leaders Response 100 Points Abraham

26 Categories Leaders Prompt 200 Points The religion of Christianity is thanks to this founder.

27 Categories Jesus Leaders Response 200 Points

28 Categories Leaders Prompt 300 Points Who is the founding leader of Islam?

29 Categories Leaders Response 300 Points Muhammad

30 Categories Who was founding leader of Buddhism? Leaders Prompt 400 Points

31 Categories Siddhartha Gautma Leaders Response 400 Points

32 Categories Who started Hinduism? Leaders Prompt 500 Points

33 Categories No One! There was no single founder of Hinduism. Leaders Response 500 Points

34 Categories This is the symbol of which religion: ? Symbols 100 Points

35 Categories Symbols Response 100 Points Christianity

36 Categories Symbols Prompt 200 Points This is the symbol of which religion: ?

37 Categories Judaism Symbols Response 200 Points

38 Categories Symbols Prompt 300 Points This is the symbol of which religion: ?

39 Categories Symbols Response 300 Points Islam

40 Categories This symbol stands for the sound “Aum” and is the symbol of which religion? Symbols Prompt 400 Points

41 Categories Hinduism Symbols Response 400 Points

42 Categories The symbol for this religion is typically shown as a wheel. Symbols Prompt 500 Points

43 Categories Buddhism Symbols Response 500 Points

44 Categories This religion worships in a church Teachings Prompt 100 Points

45 Categories Teachings Response 100 Points Christianity

46 Categories Teachings Prompt 200 Points Name the religion(s) whose followers follow the Ten Commandments.

47 Categories Judaism, Christianity & Islam Teachings Response 200 Points

48 Categories Teachings Prompt 300 Points Strict followers of these religions don’t eat pork.

49 Categories Teachings Response 300 Points Judaism & Islam

50 Categories The Koran should only be written in what language? Teachings Prompt 400 Points

51 Categories Arabic Teachings Response 400 Points

52 Categories Name some of the unique ways Muslims practice their religion. Teachings Prompt 500 Points

53 Categories 1) They say the Shahadah: “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” 2) They pray 5 times/day 3)Facing Mecca when praying 4) Use prayer rugs 5) Men & women pray separately at a mosque 6) Fasting during Ramadan 7) Hajj -pilgrimage to Mecca 8) Head coverings (Hijab) 9) Memorize & recite (chant) the Quar’an Teachings Response 500 Points

54 Categories FINAL JEOPARDY: Name 4 SPECIFIC things Judaism, Christianity & Islam have in common.

55 Categories Name 4 SPECIFIC things Judaism, Christianity & Islam have in common. Monotheistic* Adam & Eve Same God* Noah Stories of the Torah* David Abraham*Started in SW Asia Moses *Care of the less fortunate 10 Commandments

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