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1816-1832. Pride, love and devotion to one’s country.

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1 1816-1832


3 Pride, love and devotion to one’s country

4  Nationalism was increasing throughout country- very proud we stood up against Britain  Strong leader in President Monroe  Era of Good Feelings

5  Political stability because Republicans held most power  Economic stability was near  Created a 2 nd National Bank to stabilize economy  Tariff of 1816  Protected American manufacturers by taxing imports  Upset the South but could not stop it from happening

6  Roads and canals began to be constructed

7 THESE COURT CASES SHOWED JUDICIAL CHECKS ON LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SummaryImpact McCulloch v Maryland (1819) Maryland wanted to tax the 2 nd Bank of the US Decided that Congress can use the “necessary and proper clause” to interpret the Constitution Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Could a monopoly exist? Congress has the right to regulate interstate commerce

8  Spain still controlled Florida  It became a destination for runaway slaves and natives  Spain would not stop this from happening  Andrew Jackson invaded Florida

9  Treaty between US and Spain  Gave Florida to US  Established a western border between Spanish and American land

10  Problems were developing in Latin America  Europeans were trying to dominate the region  Revolutions broke out  This upset US  Latin America was a valuable trading partner  Russia was taking over land on the West Coast

11  Declared by President Monroe  Stated that the American continents were now closed to future European colonization  Europe and Latin American are upset  Who is the US to make this statement?


13 NATIONAL ROAD CANALS  Federally funded road  Connected markets from west to east  Connected areas together using water routes  Erie Canal connected Albany and Buffalo together in 1825

14  Makes transportation possible upstream  Invented by Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston

15  Developed in US by Peter Cooper  Early forms were slow and dangerous  Mixed feelings early on about the railroad

16  Trade increases  New areas are connected  People move further west  Natural resources are used  Industry increases

17  Originated in Britain in 1700s in textiles  Characteristics of Industry:  Shift from hand tools to complex machines  Shift away from agriculture  Products made in large quantities  Sell products everywhere, not locally

18  Had a history of small industry  Encouraged free enterprise based on private property  Means anyone (aka white men) can own land and start own business  More businesses=more competition= lower prices  Encouraged by state governments  Less land to farm already

19  Started showing up in New England cities  Francis Lowell opened several mills  Soon, other factories are created to make  Lumber  Wagons  Shoes  You name it!

20  Eli Whitney  Cotton gin  Interchangeable parts  Samuel Morse  Morse code  Telegraphs

21  Factories were located by cities  Work force already there  Usually by water- good for transporting goods  Population explodes in cities as people leave their farms for higher paying jobs in factories

22  Life was hard for factory workers  Long working hours  Families units were breaking  Working conditions were not safe  Many felt stuck- could not go back to old life

23  Rise of labor unions  United voice to communicate to boss  Worked for better working conditions  Had little success early on

24  Up north, less and less family owned farms existed when people moved to cities  NOT the case down South- family farms and plantations were still plentiful


26 THE NORTHTHE SOUTH  Small farms  Grow grains for consumption  Several large cities  Industrialized  Little area to expand  Plantations  Cash crops -cotton is king!  Few big cities  Agrarian  Relies on slave labor  Tons of land to the west to develop

27  Cotton is King!  Trade with Europe and North for textile manufacturing  Little industry  Distinct class structure  White plantation owners at top  Slaves at the bottom

28  Cash crops are labor intensive- need a lot of labor  Plantation owners used task system  Slaves were given specialized job on farm  When finished- they were done for the day  Slaves used gang system  They organized into groups to be more effective workers  Gave them more free time

29  Slave code was used  Forbade slaves from:  Owning land  Leaving without permission  Owning firearms  Testify in court  Learning how to read and write Remember : They are property- not people in the eyes of their owners

30  In the South….  There were about 250,000 free African-Americans in the South pre Civil War  Most lived in towns  Some were wealthy enough to own slaves  But, no consensus on what rights they should have between states

31  Up North…  Slavery was illegal  But, Free blacks were not fully embraced either  Abolitionist movement started  Led by freed slaves, like Fredrick Douglass  Movement to end slavery

32  A mix of American and African culture  Music  Religion (Christianity)  Art

33  Subtle resistance was most popular  Nat Turner led rebellion- failed


35  In 1808, slavery was banned from being imported to US  By 1840, States in the north had freed their slaves  The South did no such thing  Created tension between north and south- would one way have to change??

36  Loyalty to one region with a country rather than the country as a whole

37  11 Free States  11 Slave States  What to do with further states- will they be free or slave??  The balance in the Senate was key!

38  1820- solves this problem  Extends the existing Mason Dixon Line west (kind of…)  Any state added north of this line=free  Any state added south of this line=slave  HAD to add one of each at the same time


40  John Quincy Adams wins over Andrew Jackson  See notes from video!

41  Extremely ineffective  Little gets accomplished  Wants more federal money to be spent on internal improvements to the country- Congress gives him some of this, but not all that he wanted

42  Andrew Jackson wants revenge for his loss in 1824  Both sides were nasty to one another  Jackson “Old Hickory” wins under the new party named Democratic-Republicans  Will shorten it to just Democratic party  Jackson wins with support of the South and the West

43  The Jacksonian Era- a time of reform in government

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