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Unpacking the Standards ILT Training December 8, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Unpacking the Standards ILT Training December 8, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unpacking the Standards ILT Training December 8, 2014

2 1. Identify desired results 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences & instruction 3 Stages of (“Backward”) Design

3 Yes, we all feel like there is too much crammed into the curriculum which is why unpacking the standards is so important to figure out what exactly is in there.

4 Parts of a Standard The Concept (always) = the main idea; the content; related to your subject; NOUN(S) The Skill (always) = the student behavior; VERB(S) Measurable examples: solve; identify; write; compute; describe; analyze; justify Non-examples: learn; understand; know; appreciate The Context (sometimes) = the restricting condition; the resource or method that must be used

5 How do we “unpack” a standard? /Content?action=2&scId=100028&sciId=829 /Content?action=2&scId=100028&sciId=829 Watch this video to see how to unpack a standard--

6 Let’s Practice! The student will describe and compare data, using ratios, and will use appropriate notations, such as a/b, a to b, and a:b. The student will create a relationship in words for a given ratio expressed symbolically. The student will investigate and describe fractions, decimals, and percents as ratios and demonstrate equivalent relationships. What is the content? skills? context?

7 More Practice! Plan and conduct investigations where length, mass, volume, density, temperature, weight, and force are accurately measured. Explain the differences between an element, compound and mixture. Investigate the characteristics of different types of matter based on physical and chemical properties. Identify the symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, chemical families (groups), and periods of any given element. What is the content? skills? context?

8 1. Identify desired results 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences & instruction 3 Stages of (“Backward”) Design

9 2007 Office of Gifted Education9 A Collection of Assessment Evidence Performance Task: KEY QUESTION….WHAT SITUATION CAN WE PUT STUDENTS IN TO DEMONSTRATE THEIR KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, AND SKILLS? Other Evidence (e.g., tests, quizzes, prompts, work samples, observations): IDENTIFY FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS IN THE UNIT. Student Self-Assessment and Reflection: IDENTIFY ANY OPPORTUNITIES FOR SELF-ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION.

10 1. Identify desired results 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences & instruction 3 Stages of (“Backward”) Design

11 Begin End Pre- assessment of K-U-Ds Stage 2 Hook Sequence of Teaching & Learning: Stage 3 (differentiated according to readiness, interest and learning profile) Summative Assessment Stage 2 Ongoing Assessment Stage 2 Unit Planning Ongoing Assessment Stage 2 Establish K-U-Ds and EQs for the Unit: Stage 1

12 Remember… It all starts with the standards.

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