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Routine activities for Healthcare Facility visits in context of El Niño Boris Pavlin MD MPH FACPM CIC Health Cluster Coordinator World Health Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Routine activities for Healthcare Facility visits in context of El Niño Boris Pavlin MD MPH FACPM CIC Health Cluster Coordinator World Health Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Routine activities for Healthcare Facility visits in context of El Niño Boris Pavlin MD MPH FACPM CIC Health Cluster Coordinator World Health Organization – PNG; 73352366 The use of commercial brands in this presentation does not imply endorsement by the World Health Organization

2 Health Cluster in PNG The “Cluster System” is a platform for different sectors to coordinate their work in relation to disasters Clusters currently +/- active in PNG: Health, Nutrition, Shelter/NFI, Education, Food Security, WASH Health Cluster is chaired by WHO and includes NDOH, PNG Red Cross, other UN agencies, DFAT, international and national NGOs, church groups (20+ orgs) Most receive info, few active in meetings

3 Rationale for unified approach to field visits Multiple actors are responding to health issues caused by El Niño Some health facilities may be supported by more than one partner, so need to avoid duplication Some health facilities very difficult to access, so need to maximize efficiency

4 Checklist

5 Who-What-Where-When

6 Instructions / Caveats Each item should be done only if within agency’s remit and agent’s training/comfort (i.e, you don’t have to do everything!) Provincial Health Office staff and HCF staff should be involved whenever possible Certain items don’t need to be done every time (use judgment) If intervention not needed (i.e., already done), write “N/A” in box Upon completion of visit, please forward checklist to Health Cluster ASAP Please feed back any issues to the Health Cluster

7 Specific items

8 Basic info Agency Contact Name Contact info (email / phone) Name and location of facility visited Date

9 “El Nino Health Advisory for HCW”

10 MUAC and/or Height-Weight Training

11 MUAC and/or Height-Weight Assessment

12 Training on Aquatabs* and/or bleach for disinfection, and other hygiene training * Or other brand of chlorine-based disinfection tablet; frequently already available at HCF but not being used

13 Training on ORS USE CLEAN WATER!!!!!!!!!!!

14 Urgently Notifiable Conditions

15 Health Resources Availability Mapping System (HeRAMS) – fill out once

16 HeRAMS details Designed to assess before/after for acute emergencies Also useful for planning services in protracted emergencies Topics: Basic info Utilities Staffing Availability of services At facility Community outreach Utilization Availability of services: General services and trauma Child health and nutrition Communicable diseases Sexual and reproductive health NCDs and mental health Environmental health

17 Quick 100% Kit stock-take (verbal) Just take note of any major shortages or overstocks

18 Provide Ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) and/or micronutrient powders

19 Provide Aquatabs (or equiv.) and/or bleach

20 Provide medicines or other supplies

21 Provide water access solutions

22 Finally: Take note of any other relevant info or unmet needs

23 Please forward to

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