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Test on Interest Groups Groups form as the result of… Government policy (wars beget veterans groups, farm agents beget Farm Bureau Federations) Talented.

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Presentation on theme: "Test on Interest Groups Groups form as the result of… Government policy (wars beget veterans groups, farm agents beget Farm Bureau Federations) Talented."— Presentation transcript:


2 Test on Interest Groups Groups form as the result of… Government policy (wars beget veterans groups, farm agents beget Farm Bureau Federations) Talented leadership (abolition) Enlargement of government responsibilities (public interest lobbies in the 60s as the result of increased government involvement in consumer affairs and the environment)

3 Why do people join? Need hugs (solidary)-PTA is an example in your text (?) Material-things, services, etc. available to members (AARP) Ideological-coherent set of principles Purposive-what attracts people is the purpose

4 What is a public interest interest group? Where it principally benefits nonmemebers (ex: Ralph Nader)

5 What do interest groups do? Best measure of a groups influence-organizational skill Single most important activity-providing information.. Some of that information is in the form of political cues… Ratings (“report cards”)


7 So, Test tomorrow on Interest Groups (25 questions, FRQ, will count for a little less…) Test on Political Parties on January 14 (one more day…)

8 Also, good to know… Insider versus outsider strategies Grassroots lobbying is which one? Why? Buckley v. Valeo Citizens United PACs v. Super PACs (hard money versus soft money)

9 And this won’t be on the test because it happened 10 days ago… The Federal Election Commission has quietly given the green light to federal candidates who want to solicit contributions for super PACs by meeting in small groups— so small that there can be just two other people in the room. Federal candidates are still not permitted to explicitly ask a donor to give more than $5,000 to a super PAC. But the latest decision means that an elected official or candidate can meet privately with just one wealthy donor and one super PAC operative to discuss fundraising for the group…

10 Revolving door What do lobbyists get for their money?

11 Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946 It requires reporting, and… Didn’t work Today’s lobbying laws...more or less strict than in the past?

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