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Wednesday February 18, 2009 Agenda HOMEWORK STRIKE SYSTEM IN EFFECT (7): Composition notebook and pen/mechanical pencil [4 min] Warm up: “An Automatic.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday February 18, 2009 Agenda HOMEWORK STRIKE SYSTEM IN EFFECT (7): Composition notebook and pen/mechanical pencil [4 min] Warm up: “An Automatic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday February 18, 2009 Agenda HOMEWORK STRIKE SYSTEM IN EFFECT (7): Composition notebook and pen/mechanical pencil [4 min] Warm up: “An Automatic House.” [5 min] Discussion [2 min] Welcome to FCAT Bootcamp Day 2! [15 min] Hampton’s Popcorn: “There Will Come Soft Rains.” [15 min] Answer Questions at end. Objective(s): Apply knowledge of plot structure by completing Freytag’s Triangle on “The Bet.” Apply knowledge of irony and plot structure by answering questions at the end of reading. Important Dates: 2/25: Early Release Day/Film Club meeting 2/27: Film Club Viewing 3/4: FCA #7 3/10: FCAT

2 2/18/2009 [4 min] Imagine that we are many years into the future. Technology has increased to levels beyond your wildest dreams. One such technology is automated/automatic houses— that is, houses that are powered by computers and do whatever you want them to do—make your food, change channels, clean up after you, etc…If you had an automatic house, what sorts of things would you want your house to do for you? Explain your answers. Timer

3 Today… I’ll be reviewing what we covered yesterday, in case you were absent. I’ll be going over the new standard for today. We’ll be reading “There Will Come Soft Rains.” You’ll be answering questions at the end. Questions?

4 Welcome To FCAT Bootcamp! Day 1 Review Strike System is now at 7 until the FCAT. No iPod’s, unless I tell you otherwise Over the next 2 ½ weeks, we’ll be going through EVERY standard that will be on the FCAT. Check the website if you’re absent!!! –

5 Welcome To FCAT Bootcamp! Questions?

6 Freytag’s Triangle The four parts of MOST fiction (made up) stories: – Exposition – Conflict: problem – Climax – Resolution: solves the problem

7 Plot Elements, Day 2: Setting, POV, Theme Setting: where/when the story takes place. – Post-apocalyptic dystopia: the setting occurs after a war/nuclear event; humanity is completely or nearly destroyed. POV: Point of view; who (narrator) is telling the story – 1 st person: uses “I” – 3 rd person: uses “he” or “she” Theme: the main message of the story (similar to moral, but not specific to children).

8 Before we start… Today, you’ll see setting and POV play a major role in the story. You’ll also see a big similarity between yesterday’s “Lawyer Speech” and the poem, “There will come soft rains.”

9 Lawyer’s Speech [The world] is worthless, fleeting, illusory, and deceptive, like a mirage. [Humans] may be proud, wise, and fine, but death will wipe you off the face of the earth as though you were no more than mice burrowing under the floor, and your posterity, your history, your immortal geniuses will burn or freeze together with the earthly globe. What is the speaker’s opinion on the future of humanity?

10 There Will Come Soft Rains Poem There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground, And swallows circling with their shimmering sound[…] And not one will know of the war, not one Will care at last when it is done. Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree, If mankind perished utterly; And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn Would scarcely know that we were gone. What is the speaker’s opinion on the future of humanity?

11 Let’s Read Hampton’s Popcorn: I read—I popcorn— you read 1 paragraph—then I read until I feel like popcorning again.

12 Questions in Comp. Notebook Remember: DETAILS = higher grade 1.Explain the conflict of the story. 2.Explain the resolution of the story. Did it solve the original conflict? Why or why not? 3.What is the setting of the story? Be specific! 4.What has happened to the family who lived in the house? How do you know? 5.Since there are no real “characters” in the story, how does the 3 rd person narrator keep your interest in the story? 6.What do you think the theme of the story is—in other words, what do you think the author is trying to say to the reader about the future? Explain your answer.

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