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Exodus 34:28-35 v. 28, The fast accompanied the reception of the Law. v. 28, The fast accompanied the reception of the Law. v. 29, The fast allowed nearness.

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Presentation on theme: "Exodus 34:28-35 v. 28, The fast accompanied the reception of the Law. v. 28, The fast accompanied the reception of the Law. v. 29, The fast allowed nearness."— Presentation transcript:


2 Exodus 34:28-35 v. 28, The fast accompanied the reception of the Law. v. 28, The fast accompanied the reception of the Law. v. 29, The fast allowed nearness to God: “he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.” v. 29, The fast allowed nearness to God: “he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.” v. 30-35, The fast prepared Moses for his task of leadership. v. 30-35, The fast prepared Moses for his task of leadership.

3 1 Kings 19:4-17 v. 4-8, The fast reminded Elijah of what it meant to be sustained by God. v. 4-8, The fast reminded Elijah of what it meant to be sustained by God. v. 9-13, The fast allowed nearness to God. v. 9-13, The fast allowed nearness to God. v. 14-18, The fast prepared Elijah for his task of leadership. v. 14-18, The fast prepared Elijah for his task of leadership.

4 Mark 1:9-13 Similar: The fast calls attention to God’s sustaining power: “the angels were ministering to him” (See also Matthew 4:4). The fast calls attention to God’s sustaining power: “the angels were ministering to him” (See also Matthew 4:4). The fast prepares Jesus for his task of leadership. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all place this scene at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. The fast prepares Jesus for his task of leadership. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all place this scene at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

5 Different: v. 9-11, For Jesus, the fast follows the nearness of God demonstrated at his baptism. v. 9-11, For Jesus, the fast follows the nearness of God demonstrated at his baptism. v. 12-13, Instead of going into the wilderness to meet God, Jesus is driven into the wilderness by the Spirit to confront Satan. v. 12-13, Instead of going into the wilderness to meet God, Jesus is driven into the wilderness by the Spirit to confront Satan.

6 Mark 9:2-8 Jesus is like his noble predecessors, but greater. Jesus is like his noble predecessors, but greater. Jesus’ trip into the wilderness mirrors his incarnation. Jesus’ trip into the wilderness mirrors his incarnation. Jesus’ trip into the wilderness prefigures his crucifixion. Jesus’ trip into the wilderness prefigures his crucifixion. Jesus leaves the nearness of God to fight our battles. Jesus leaves the nearness of God to fight our battles. We go into the wilderness to find God. Jesus goes into the wilderness to find us. We go into the wilderness to find God. Jesus goes into the wilderness to find us. “Hear Ye Him” “Hear Ye Him”

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