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Human Resource Management. Strategic Human Resource Management Develop an Effective Workforce Training Development Appraisal Maintain an Effective Workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resource Management. Strategic Human Resource Management Develop an Effective Workforce Training Development Appraisal Maintain an Effective Workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resource Management

2 Strategic Human Resource Management Develop an Effective Workforce Training Development Appraisal Maintain an Effective Workforce Wage and salary Benefits Labor relations Terminations HRM planning Job analysis Forecasting Recruiting Selecting Attract an Effective Workforce OSHA Company Strategy

3 Human Resource Management Three Parts All managers are resource managers. Employees are viewed as assets. Matching process, integrating the organization’s goals with employees’ needs.

4 HRM is Changing 1. Focusing on building human capital. 2. Developing global HR strategies. 3. The use of information technology. At DET the human resources department is not the keeper of the rules, but the “keeper of the workers heart- the keeper of why they want to come to work everyday”.

5 Building Human Capital Strategies Find Recruit Nurture Train Retain

6 Human Resource Strategy  Provide the correct mix of employees and skills needed to meet competitive conditions.  Cut costs and improve efficiency.  Improve quality, productivity, and customer service.

7 Federal Legislation Point of the laws is to stop discriminatory practices. EEO Legislation Attempts:  balance the pay given to men and women.  provide employment opportunities without regard to race, religion, national origin, and sex.  ensure fair treatment for employees of all ages.  avoid discrimination against disabled individuals. To define enforcement agencies for these laws.

8 Major Federal Laws Related to Human Resource Management

9 New ContractOld Contract Employee Employer Employability, personal responsibility Partner in business improvement Learning Job security A cog in the machine Knowing Continuous learning, lateral career movement, incentive compensation Creative development opportunities Challenging assignments Information and resources Traditional compensation package Standard training programs Routine jobs Limited information SOURCE: Based on Louisa Wah, “The New Workplace Paradox,”Management Review, January 1998,7; and Douglas T. Hall and Jonathan E. Moss, “The New Protean Career Contract: Helping Organizations and Employees Adapt,” Organizational Dynamics, winter 1998, 22-37 The Changing Social Contract

10 Attracting an Effective Workforce Choose Recruiting Sources Want ads Headhunters Internet Choose Recruiting Sources Want ads Headhunters Internet HR Planning Retirements Growth Resignations Select the Candidate Application Interview Tests Welcome New Employee Employee Contributions Ability Education Creativity Commitment Expertise Company Inducements Pay and benefits Meaningful work Advancement Training Challenge Matching Model Match with Employee’s Needs Stage of career Personal values Promotional aspirations Outside interest Family concerns Company Needs Strategic goals Current and future competencies Market changes Employee turnover Corporate culture

11 Recruiting  Internal recruiting or “promote-from-within.”  External recruiting is recruiting from outside the organization.  Realistic job previews give applicants all pertinent and realistic information Activities or practices that define the characteristics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied.

12 Selection Job description  a summary of specific tasks and responsibilities. Selection devices  application form.  interview.  paper-and-pencil test.  assessment center. Determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes a person needs to perform a particular job.

13 Interviewing a Job Applicant Prepare a road map. Use open-ended questions in which the right answer is not obvious. Do not ask questions that are not relevant to the job. Know what you want. Allow enough time so that the interview will not be rushed. Listen--don’t talk. Avoid reliance on your memory

14 Developing an Effective Workforce Orientation Training Classroom Training Self directed /Programmed Instruction Computer based training

15 Types of Methods of Training SOURCE: Data from “Industry Report 1999,” Training 36 (October 1999): 54, 56. Reprinted with permission from the October 1999 issue of Training magazine. Copyright 1999, Bill Communications, Minneapolis, Minn. All rights reserved. Not for resale.

16 Performance Appraisal HRM professionals concentrate on two things:  The accurate assessment of performance.  Training managers to effectively use the performance appraisal interview. The steps of observing and assessing employee performance, recording the assessment, and providing feedback to the employee.

17 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale SOURCES: Based on J.P. Campbell, M.D. Dunnette, R.D. Arvey. And L.V. Hellervik, “The Development and Evaluation of Behaviorally Based Rating Scales,” Journal of Applied Psychology 57 (1973), 15-22; and Francine Alexander, “Performance Appraisals,” Small Business Reports (March 1989), 20-29.

18 Maintaining an Effective Workforce Compensation considerations: –wage and salary systems –compensation equity –pay for performance Benefits When necessary, terminations

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