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APEC Seminar on Strengthening Public- Private Partnership to Reduce Food Losses in the Supply Chain August 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "APEC Seminar on Strengthening Public- Private Partnership to Reduce Food Losses in the Supply Chain August 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 APEC Seminar on Strengthening Public- Private Partnership to Reduce Food Losses in the Supply Chain August 2013

2 Peru: Key features for investment Higher growth with lower inflation Economic Dynamism Record level of exports and product diversity Low level debt Strength fiscal position allows counter-cyclical policy Poverty and unemployment diminution Good economic perspectives

3 In the last years, Peru is among the fastest growing economies World GDP 2002-2010 (Var. %) Source: IMF

4 Peru: Reducing Food Losses in the Supply Chain August 2013

5 MINAGRI – Environmental Risk Management: Agricultural Insurance Agricultural insurance for climatic issues: – Frost – Floods – Earthquakes – Other natural disasters *MINAGRI are the initials for Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

6 MINAGRI – INIA: Research for an integrate plague and diseases management on key products National Research Plan (NRP) – Rice – Agro industrial: cocoa, coffee, sweet potato, sugarcane, yucca, cotton – Andean crops, legumes – Fruits: exports, domestic market, banana – Vegetables – Corn – Potatoes *INIA are the initials for National Institute of Agricultural Innovation

7 MINAGRI – SENASA: Agricultural Health Monitoring Plant quarantine Plant projects Biological control Fruit fly eradication *SENASA are the initials for National Agricultural Health Service

8 MINAGRI – AGROIDEAS: Promoting association and competitiveness in small and medium enterprises Adoption of new technologies for: – Fertilization – Fumigation – Efficiency of production process – Productivity – Packing

9 APEC Seminar on Strengthening Public- Private Partnership to Reduce Food Losses in the Supply Chain August 2013

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