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TYPES OF MIXTURES. Solutions A solution is a homogeneous mixture. (same throughout) There are 2 parts to a solution, the solute and the solvent. The solvent.

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Presentation on theme: "TYPES OF MIXTURES. Solutions A solution is a homogeneous mixture. (same throughout) There are 2 parts to a solution, the solute and the solvent. The solvent."— Presentation transcript:


2 Solutions A solution is a homogeneous mixture. (same throughout) There are 2 parts to a solution, the solute and the solvent. The solvent and solute can not be identified individually as different substances in the solution.

3 Solute Solvent The solute is the substance that is dissolved. The solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute. Water is the most common and important solvent. Also known as the “UNIVERSAL SOLVENT”.

4 Solvents and Solutes Example: Salt and Water The ____________ is the solute. The _________ is the solvent. Example: Jello mixture and water The _________ is the solute. The _________ is the solvent.

5 Solubility Saturated solutions Solubility is the amount of solute that will dissolve in a certain amount of solvent. Saturated solution- contains the maximum amount of solute in solvent Saturated solution can be concentrated or dilute. –Concentrated saturated solution- contains a large amount of solute –Dilute saturated solution- contains a small amount of solute Adding water to concentrated OJ helps to dilute it!!

6 Colloids A mixture where one substance is divided into tiny particles and dispersed within another substance Particles cannot be seen by the naked eye It looks like the particles have been dissolved, but they are not! Cannot be filtered

7 Suspensions A suspension is a mixture with large particles. The particles don’t dissolve, they turn the liquid cloudy. Example: Dirt and Water What happens when we mix the 2 together?

8 Suspensions Sometimes you can separate the components of a suspension by filtering the mixture. What happened when we filtered the dirt and water into a beaker?

9 Insoluble solutions Supersaturated solutions When a solute does not dissolve in the solvent. Example- oil and water do not mix. When a solution contains more dissolved solute than is normally possible. This can happen if the temperature is raised Very unstable- can crystallize easily Example: Rock Candy ROCK CANDY RECIPE!

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