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SWARMS Scalable sWarms of Autonomous Robots and Mobile Sensors Ali Jadbabaie, Daniel E. Koditchek, Vijay Kumar (PI), and George Pappas l.

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Presentation on theme: "SWARMS Scalable sWarms of Autonomous Robots and Mobile Sensors Ali Jadbabaie, Daniel E. Koditchek, Vijay Kumar (PI), and George Pappas l."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWARMS Scalable sWarms of Autonomous Robots and Mobile Sensors Ali Jadbabaie, Daniel E. Koditchek, Vijay Kumar (PI), and George Pappas l Future missions will rely on large, networked groups of vehicles and sensors operating in dynamic, resource-constrained environments l Large groups will need to operate with little direct supervision l Biology provides many models and paradigms for group behaviors O b j e c t i v e s A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t G r o u p B e h a v i o r s i n B i o l o g y l Create a research community of biologists, computer scientists, control theorists, and roboticists l Systems-theoretic framework for swarming l Modeling and analysis of group behaviors observed in nature l Analysis of swarm formation, stability and robustness l Synthesis: Formation and navigation of artificial Swarms l Sensing and communication for large, networked groups of vehicles l Testbeds, demonstrations, and technology transition R e s e a r c h T h r u s t s A. Stephen Morse David Skelly Francesco Bullo Daniela Rus S. Shankar Sastry Yale University University of Pennsylvania University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Berkeley Massachusetts Institute of Technology M o t i v a t i o n SWARMS SWARMS Biology AI Robotics Organism Behaviors Swarm Architectures Vehicle Models Modeling Synthesis Analysis Theory of Swarming Multi-vehicle Sensing/Control Novel Testbeds M1, M2 A1, A2, A3 S1, S2, S3 V1, V2, V3 E1, E2, E3 T1, T2 Penn UAVs MIT UGVs MIT Cricket Sensor Network UCB Smart Bird Camera image from UAV Penn UGVs The SWARMS Project Experimental Testbeds for SWARMS System-Theoretic Framework (T) l formal language of swarming behaviors with a grammar for composition; l new formalisms and mathematical constructs for describing swarms of agents derived from the unification of methods drawn from graph theory, switched dynamical systems theory and geometry. Modeling (M) l model-based catalog of biological behaviors and groups with decompositions into simple behaviors and sub groups; l techniques for producing abstractions of high-dimensional systems and software tools for developing low-dimensional abstractions of observed biological group behaviors. Analysis (A) l stability and robustness analysis tools necessary for the analysis of swarm formation; l analysis of asynchronous functioning systems and abstractions to a single synchronous process; and l theory for computability and complexity for swarming facilitating the design of scalable algorithms. Synthesis (S) l design paradigms for the specification of cost functions and coordination algorithms for high-level behaviors for navigation, clustering, splitting, merging, diffusing, covering, tracking, and evasion; l distributed control algorithms with constraints on sensing, actuations and communication; and l software toolkit for composition of cataloged behaviors and decomposition of synthesized behaviors with the ability to automatically infer properties of resulting behaviors. Sensing and communication (V) l estimators for vehicle and sensor platforms to localize individual agents and groups of agents; l algorithms for coordinated control in support of localization and information diffusion; and l bio-inspired, sensor-based (communication-less) strategies for coordination of a swarm of vehicles. Testbeds, Demonstrations and Technology Transition (E) l adaptive network of micro-air vehicles for aerial surveillance of an urban environment; l self-healing swarm of ground vehicles (and sensor platforms) for threat and intrusion detection; and l swarms of UAVs, micro-air vehicles, and small ground vehicles for operation in urban environments. This work is supported by ARO MURI Grant W911NF-05-1-0219 under the direction of Dr. Randy Zachery, Division Chief, Computing and Information Sciences. I m p a c t l Technology for deploying resilient, secure teams of inexpensive, unmanned vehicles l Adaptive communication networks l Search, reconnaissance, surveillance missions

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