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WEEK OF APRIL 25-29 Vocabulary/Spelling Words In class today, ONLY fill in: 1.The word 3 (copy three times) 2.The part of speech 3.My sentence 4.The definition.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK OF APRIL 25-29 Vocabulary/Spelling Words In class today, ONLY fill in: 1.The word 3 (copy three times) 2.The part of speech 3.My sentence 4.The definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK OF APRIL 25-29 Vocabulary/Spelling Words In class today, ONLY fill in: 1.The word 3 (copy three times) 2.The part of speech 3.My sentence 4.The definition For HW tonight: 1.Make your own sentence 2.Write synonyms 3.Create Drawings 4.STUDY for Quiz Wed.

2 Swindler (n.) The swindler tricked me into buying a fake Rolex watch for 10,000 baht

3 Ludicrous (adj.) At the eating contest the man ate so many hot dogs it was ludicrous!

4 Hyperbole (n.)

5 Pop-Quiz: Can you tell me what these phrases mean? I’ve been on cloud nine all day! When my dad found out he blew his top! Something fishy is going on around here! Two heads are better than one Zip your lip buddy! I need the class to be all ears today That poor guy is all washed up! These are all examples of IDIOMS

6 Idiom (n.) If I say, “he kicked the bucket,” I am using an idiom in my speech.

7 Mandatory (adj.) It is mandatory that you come to school unless you have an acceptable excuse!

8 Motivate (verb) Getting rewarded for good grades by your parents will motivate you to work hard in school

9 Plagiarism (n.) Avoid plagiarism by always putting things in your own words unless you are giving credit to the author.

10 Generalization (n.) I made the generalization that “all animals with feathers are birds.” Generalization words: all, none, most, many, everyone, never, sometimes some few, usually, seldom, generally, in general, overall

11 Vanity (n.) He is filled with vanity because he only cares about his appearance and nothing else.

12 Canopy (n.) To be protected from the hot sun, we ate lunch under the canopy.

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