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Presentation on theme: " Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Elevation, Orthoimagery, Reference systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Elevation, Orthoimagery, Reference systems and Geographical grids Highlights of the activities Jordi Escriu - Facilitator

2 Increase of membership: 59% since INSPIRE GWF 2015 (64  102 members) Statistics Activity report on Thematic Cluster TOTALMain groupEL subgroupOI subgroupRS subgroupGG subgroup Discussions381610543 Replies21810142241635 Content Pages25153241 Files uploaded674811233 (25) (28) (17) (14) Cluster level(102) Thematic Clusters Facilitators / MIG MIWP 14 Subgroup Meeting30 November – 1 December 2015 – Rome (ITALY)

3 Key activities and events  Workshop on Transformation of Coverage-Based Data Themes and WCS - Barcelona, September 2015 - Including Training Session on Coverages Workshop on Transformation of Coverage-Based Data Themes and WCSTraining Session on Coverages  Workshop on INSPIRE Thematic Clusters at JIIDE 2015 (Iberian SDI Conf.) Workshop on INSPIRE Thematic Clusters at JIIDE 2015 Recommended implementation examples  Experiences on coverage encoding: IGN-Spain – Summary of experienceSummary of experience German State of Saxony (con terra) – Summary of experienceSummary of experience EL Example developed by the Cluster and proposed for EL TG – GMLCOV File Interesting pilots and prototypes (EuroGeographics)  EURODEM30 - PresentationPresentation  ELF OI Service - PresentationPresentation Update on existing Pan-European data sets  EMODNET Bathymetry portal - Activity report on Thematic Cluster Thematic Clusters Facilitators / MIG MIWP 14 Subgroup Meeting30 November – 1 December 2015 – Rome (ITALY)

4 How to encode raster data in INSPIRE (coverages) with GMLCOV, different options allowed General thread on experiences in MS: Encoding of EL and OI coverages Attribute overlaps between GMLCOV vs. INSPIRE model extensions: domainExtent vs. gml:boundedBy (e.g. for spatial extent of coverages)domainExtent vs. gml:boundedBy Requests to add guidance and clear implementation examples to TG: EL Example based on GMLCOV schemaEL Example based on GMLCOV schema Discussions on the use and usability of INSPIRE Geographic Grids Usability of the ‘Zoned Geographic Grid’ Usability of the ‘Zoned Geographic Grid’ Use of the ‘Equal Area Grid’ Use of the ‘Equal Area Grid’ Questions on the CRS / map projections to be used in INSPIRE ETRS89-TMzn and raster data for OI and EL ETRS89-TMzn and raster data for OI and EL Thematic Cluster/sub-group discussions Thematic Clusters Facilitators / MIG MIWP 14 Subgroup Meeting30 November – 1 December 2015 – Rome (ITALY)

5 Low presence in the Cluster of:  Satellite imagery community  Need to INSPIRE Copernicus community.  Users of future INSPIRE data, who may provide feedback on unsatisfied requirements and real world experience. Need to empower engagement and feedback from members  To propose new discussion topics.  To reply in existing open discussion topics. Possible barriers for participating in the Thematic Clusters:  Lack of time / budget to be invested.  Technical discussions. Activity report on Thematic Cluster Thematic Clusters Facilitators / MIG MIWP 14 Subgroup Meeting30 November – 1 December 2015 – Rome (ITALY)

6 Need to improve engagement with relevant communities.  Difficulties to align activities of the INSPIRE Thematic Clusters with the activities from the communities.  Participate in community events (need to plan in advance) Need to improve communication and empower participation of MIG-T and MIWP subgroups. Nominated NCPs for the Thematic Clusters in MS have not been active yet - This is perceived as a key drawback.  Need to channel through the Cluster the findings from National Implementation Groups.  Engage them in MIWP-14? / Invite them to report MIG-T liaisons from the MS on a periodic / regular basis? Thematic Cluster/sub-group proposals for gaps filling, improvements Thematic Clusters Facilitators / MIG MIWP 14 Subgroup Meeting30 November – 1 December 2015 – Rome (ITALY)

7 Questions? Jordi Escriu – Facilitator TC #3

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