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Type of N balances in Germany Calculation and use of the results Frauke Godlinski Institute for Crop and Soil Science Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "Type of N balances in Germany Calculation and use of the results Frauke Godlinski Institute for Crop and Soil Science Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Type of N balances in Germany Calculation and use of the results Frauke Godlinski Institute for Crop and Soil Science Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants Braunschweig Task Force on „Gross Nutrient Balances“ 14-15 November 2011 Luxembourg

2 Outline Methodological approach – types of N balances For what are the results of the N balances used? Policy targets related to N balances in Germany Summary of balances in Germany –Overview of the German soil surface balance –German soil surface balance –Overview of the German total N balance –Comparison of the German soil surface and total N balance Available data at national – sub-national – regional level Short digression – German fertilizer ordinance

3 Methodological approach: Types of N balances Soil surface balance + livestock balance = total N balance

4 Methodological approach: Types of N balances Soil surface balance + livestock balance = total N balance

5 For what are the results of the N balances used? Soil surface balance Nitrates Report Statistical data and reports OECD / Eurostat Total N balance: Statistical data and reports Agri-environmental indicator within the German National Sustainable Strategy – target ! Agri-environmental indicator within the German National strategy on Biological Diversity – target ! Environmental data collection

6 Policy targets related to N balances in Germany – soil surface balance Statistical data and reports (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV)) Nitrates Report (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV)) In accordance with Article 10 of Council Directive 91/676/EEC (Nitrates Directive) Member States submit a report to the Commission at the end of each four-year action programme. This report must provide information on the implementation of the Nitrates Directive in Germany and in particular on the water monitoring results, codes of good agricultural practice and measures adopted in the context of the action programmes. The 2008 Nitrates Report presented here summarises the information and data provided by the Länder. Three thematic areas are addressed in particular: the development of nitrate pollution of surface waters (including coastal waters) and groundwater, the expected development of nitrate pollution of waters over the coming years, the implementation of the measures of the Nitrates Directive in the Länder including special water protection measures going beyond good agricultural practice. N balance per ha AA Nitrogen balances provide information on nitrogen management and are thus a good indicator for the effectiveness of the action programme under the Nitrates Directive and other measures going beyond the Directive’s requirements.

7 Policy targets related to N balances in Germany – total N balance Statistical data and reports (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV)) Agri-environmental indicator within the German National Sustainable Strategy – target ! The national sustainability strategy was adopted in 2002, and has since determined the direction taken by sustainable development in Germany. It is entitled "Prospects for Germany" and lays out specific duties and objectives. The strategy is updated at regular intervals and the German government publishes regular progress reports on updates. Indicator reports provide detailed information on developments in key policy fields. The goal is to reduce the nitrogen surplus for the whole of the agricultural sector, i.e. surpluses arising on farmland and in animal housing, passing into air, soil and water, to 80 kilograms/ha by 2010. # 12a Nitrogen surplus Agri-environmental indicator within the German National strategy on Biological Diversity (anchored in the National Sustainable Strategy) (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)) At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992, the world community adopted the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to take global action on the dramatic loss of species, habitats and genetic diversity. Germany emphatically supports the objectives of CBD internationally and in 2007 presented its own National Strategy on Biological Diversity (BMU 2007). The German federal government sets the following targets in the National Strategy on Biological Diversity: “To reduce the surplus nitrogen in the overall balance sheet to 80 kg/ha by 2010, with a view to a further reduction by 2015” (BMU 2007: 48). Environmental Data (Environmental Agency (UBA)) Nutrient input from agriculture and nitrogen surplus

8 Overview of the German soil surface balance Soil surface balance Fertilizer+ Livestock manure reduced by gaseous N-emissions+ livestock manure N-Emission Atmospheric deposition+ agricultural deposition (mainly NHy) non-agricultural deposition (mainly NOx) Biological N fixation+ Seed and planting+ green fodder and other plant products― Harvested crops and forage harvested field crops― Balance∑

9 German soil surface balance According to the general approach (soil surface balance + livestock balance = total N balance) some adaptions have been necessary to the soil surface balance. Livestock manure Livestock manure is reduced by gaseous N emissions from housing. N emissions of NH 3, N 2 O and NO are calculated separately for every animal category and added up at the end. Emission coefficients for NH 3, N 2 O and NO and every animal category are updated and published yearly. Atmospheric deposition Atmospheric deposition is divided into ‘agricultural deposition’ (mainly NH y ) and ‘non-agricultural deposition’ (mainly NO x ). Harvested Crops and Forage Harvested crops according to crop data provided by the Federal Statistical Office Fodder: Harvested fodder ≠ fodder used for feeding Harvested fodder = fodder used for feeding + biogas + losses Significant proportion of harvested fodder, mainly maize, goes to biogas production. There are no reliable estimates available for losses

10 Overview of the German total N balance Total N balance Fertilizer+ Livestock manure reduced by gaseous N-emissions+ / ― livestock manure N-Emission Atmospheric deposition agricultural deposition (mainly NHy) non-agricultural deposition (mainly NOx)+ Biological N fixation+ Seed and planting+ Fodder (self production) fodder from plants+ fodder from animal products+ fodder from domestic food industry+ green fodder and other plant products+ / ― Fodder imported+ Harvested crops and forage harvested field crops― Livestock marketed products― Balance∑

11 Comparison of the German soil surface and total N balance Soil surface balanceTotal N balance

12 Available data at: national – sub-national – regional level National level For the soil surface as well as total N balance on national level all required input data are available as published statistical data (provided by the federal statistical office and BMELV) => No estimations necessary! Fertilizer: instead of actual use data, only selling data are available. Fodder: data are estimations (by BMELV) and only available on national level. Sub-national level For the soil surface as well as total N balance on sub-national level main influencing required input data are not available or inaccurate => No reliable calculation possible! Fertilizer: Especially on Länder level, selling data do not reflect the actual use by farmers in the different Länder. Manure: Data about import/export from/to the Netherlands are not reliable Seeds and Planting: No data on sub-national level available. Harvested crops: For minor crops data on sub-national level are missing. Fodder: No data on sub-national level available.

13 Short digression: German fertilizer application ordinance Ordinance on the Application of fertilizers, soil improvers, growing media and plant strengtheners according to the principles of good agricultural practice (fertilizer application ordinance) (Düngeverordnung - DüV)) Section 3 underlying principles (2) The fertilizer requirement is calculated for each individual land parcel or each management unit and takes account of the following influencing factors: The nutrient requirement of the crop for the yield and quality expected under local conditions and from the plant variety grown. For N values in appendix 1 have to be taken into account. Section 5 nutrient management plan (1) Holders must by march 31 of each year produce a nutrient management plan as required under annex 7 for nitrate and phosphate for the previous fertilizer year. The report may take the form of An area-related plan An aggregated land parcel based on nutrient management plans for each land parcel or each management unit Which is then updated annually to produce a multiyear nutrient plan as required under annex 8. Section 6 nutrient management plan analysis (1) Holders must provide the competent authority designated by Länder law with a copy of the nutrient management plan required under section 5(1). (2) If the holding’s nutrient management plan as required under section 5(1) shows that: 1. For nitrogen, the holding’s nutrient excess in the last three years as defined in annex 8 amounted on average to ….. d. over 60 kg nitrogen per hectare per year in the fertilizer years beginning 2009, 2010 and 2011 Outcome Nutrient management data available at farm level for all farms, required by Düngeverordnung. But this data is held in an administrative system and with certain exceptions, not available for statistical use. N coefficients may vary according to Länder or regional condition.

14 Take home message? Thank you for your attention!

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