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San Rafeal Arcangel CESAR. Table of Contents When and where Mission was built Mission Site Indians Joining this Mission BibliographyBack to main menu.

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Presentation on theme: "San Rafeal Arcangel CESAR. Table of Contents When and where Mission was built Mission Site Indians Joining this Mission BibliographyBack to main menu."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Rafeal Arcangel CESAR

2 Table of Contents When and where Mission was built Mission Site Indians Joining this Mission BibliographyBack to main menu Population Significant Events Agriculture and Livestock Mission Layout and Bell Tower Father Serra and Founder of Mission What I Liked Best Current Use of Mission

3 When Mission was Built (Founded) DECEMBER 14,1817 FATHER VICENTE DE SARRIA 11045 avenue san RAFEAL ca

4 Mission Site 15miles north of SAN RAFAEL

5 Father JuniperO Serra Fr. Luis Gil y Taboada

6 Founder of Mission Fr. Vincente de Sarría

7 Mission Layout and Bell Tower

8 Agriculture and Livestock san RAFEAL soon was notest as QUILITY of its peals. In 1823

9 Indians Joining this Mission Primarily Coast Miwok and Pomo

10 Population The peak mission population was 1,051, in 1826. By 1840 only 150 neophytes remained. Between 1817 and 1839 1,902 marriages were conducted at San Rafael.

11 Significant Events San Rafael was badly damaged in an Indian attack led by Chiefs Marin and Quintin in February, 1829. Loyal neophytes saved the life of the mission padre, Fr. Juan Amoros, by hiding him in the marshes.

12 Current Use of the Mission The mission Chapel is used for special events and is part of the parish of St. Rafael of the Roman Catholic Archiocese of San Francisco

13 What I Liked Best I liked the population and mission site

14 How to write a bibliography  Webpages:  Name of Author. "Title of Web Page." Date you accessed this page.. "The California Missions Trail." 2 Feb 2010..  Images (pictures):  “Title of Image.” Title of website. Date you accessed the picture.. "Mission San Diego de Alcala." South Coast of California. 2 Feb 2010..  Books:  Name of Author. Title of Book. Name of editor, translator or compiler. Location: Publisher, Year. page numbers. Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Avant-Garde Music: From Debussy to Boulez. New York: Oxford UP, 1978. Voelkel, James R. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

15 Bibliography

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