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Capital Planning & Investment Control in The Federal Government NameTitle Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Planning & Investment Control in The Federal Government NameTitle Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Planning & Investment Control in The Federal Government NameTitle Microsoft Corporation

2 Agenda Introduction The Environmental Factors The CPIC Process The History of CPIC Impact Microsoft’s CPIC Solution

3 Introduction: CPIC Definition Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) – A process to structure budget formulation and execution, and to ensure that investments consistently support the strategic goals of the Agency. [OMB]

4 And in plain English? WE -- Have a finite amount of money Must focus on agency mission, strategic goals, performance & outcomes Make strategic decisions about fiscal investments Must get the biggest “bang for the buck” Deliver on our commitment

5 “Too often, today's project and service organizations are motivated by fear. They fear being out of line with the business. They fear disastrous cancellations and cost and schedule overruns. They fear ignorance of quality and the subsequent delivery of buggy, off-target applications. They fear over commitment, leading to schedule and quality problems.” - Daniel Stang, Gartner Group, 2005 The Fear Factors

6 Microsoft’s CPIC Solution provides a central location for all projects and related information allowing for simplified tracking of IT Investments and their progress. Portfolio & Project Managers gain insight throughout the entire project lifecycle. Managers benefit from access to real time data concerning the health and direction of their projects. Schedule, cost and organizational goal deviations are spotted sooner, at the point when corrective action can be taken. Overcoming The Fear Factors

7 The CPIC Process: Select, Control & Evaluate Process & Timeline

8 The CPIC Process: Select, Control & Evaluate Roles & Responsibilities

9 The History of CPIC: Legislative Acts from 1990 to 2002

10 Project Manager No single point of entry for data Limited access support for Telework Unknown allocations and current burn rates Investment Manager Duplicate data collection and reporting No fingertip access to data Detailed investment data inaccessible Portfolio Manager Incomplete Investment Inventory Inaccessible investment data Inefficient OMB budget submission process What is impacting you?

11 Microsoft’s CPIC Solution Provides Greater Visibility & Insight: by empowering IT executives with the tools to track their investments! Increased Efficiency: by automating the Exhibit 53 & Exhibit 300 collaborative data collection and reporting process Better Auditing by providing: a central data repository and collaborative data collection

12 Challenge – Visibility & Insight Response – Single source of information Challenge – Lack of Audit Control Response – Project reporting at your fingertips Challenge – Ineffective Manual OMB Submission Response – Automatic processes that facilitate Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300 reporting How Can a CPIC solution Help?

13 CPIC Central: Visibility & Insight

14 CPIC Investment Workspace: Collaboration & Investment Lifecycle

15 CPIC Portfolio Center: Optimization & Modeling

16 CPIC Project Center: Tracking & Status

17 Stage 1 – Creating investment awareness Stage 2 – Building the investment foundation Stage 3 – Developing a complete investment portfolio Stage 4 – Improving the investment process Stage 5 – Leveraging IT for strategic outcomes The Microsoft CPIC Solution Scales as the Organization Matures

18 CollaborationInventory My Stage 1 CPIC Solution Project Tracking My Stage 2 CPIC Solution CPIC Solution Scaling Scenarios:

19 The Microsoft CPIC Solution: Leverages Industry Accepted COTS Software

20 Microsoft Capital Planning & Investment Control: Maximizes the value of your Microsoft Investment while Solving the CPIC Challenge!



23 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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