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Welcome to First Grade Information Night

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1 Welcome to First Grade Information Night 2015-2016
A “Leader in Me” campus

2 SCUCISD Mission Statement
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD provides a safe, secure and challenging learning environment, through the responsible use of all resources, to afford opportunities for all students to realize their individual potential and to become responsible and productive members of society. Cibolo Valley Mission In progress

3 First Grade Classroom Goal:
Learning Goals SCUCISD: 90% of all students and student accountability groups meet STAAR standards. 90% of students reading on Grade Level by the beginning of 3rd Grade. Cibolo Valley: By the end of the school year, 100% of the students will meet or exceed the grade level reading standards as measured by the district reading inventories and/or common assessments and the STAAR test. First Grade Classroom Goal: By the end of the year, 100% of First Grade students will meet or exceed the grade level reading standards as measured by the district reading inventories (DRA and Istation).

4 Our Math Learning Goal:
By the end of the year, 100% of all Cibolo Valley First Graders will meet or exceed the grade level standards as measured on the report card. Our Reading Learning Goal: By the end of the year, 100% of First Grade students will meet or exceed the grade level reading standards as measured by the district reading inventories (DRA and Istation.)

5 Based on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
written by Stephen Covey.

6 What is The Leader in Me? whole-school model
engages teachers and parents students are included in the decision-making process equips students with the necessary skills to be successful in the 21st Century Our first energies should go to our own character development, which is often invisible to others, like the roots that sustain great trees. As we cultivate the roots, we will begin to see the fruits Stephen R. Covey

7 We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
-Stephen R. Covey

8 Reading in First Grade What To Expect

9 Reading in First Grade Reading instruction and practice is a huge part of first grade. Every first grader will spend much of their day working to build and improve their reading skills. It is incorporated into all content areas and most every lesson taught in the classroom.

10 Grade Level Expectations
Cibolo Valley first graders work hard to meet grade level expectations for reading development. One instrument that our district uses to measure their progress is Istation. This assessment measures the students’ Phonemic Awareness = being able to hear, identify and manipulate the smallest units of sound EX: cat= /k/ /a/ /t/ Graphophonemic Knowledge = working with letters and sounds EX: substitute beginning sounds to make various ‘og words Word Reading = short vowel words, blends & digraphs, long vowel sounds, irregular words Comprehension = read independently and answer comprehensions questions

11 DRA- Developmental Reading Assessment
Another district assessment used at Cibolo Valley is the DRA. -Identifies a student’s independent reading level. -Students read a story aloud while accuracy and fluency is checked and then RETELL the story to the teacher. -An accuracy and comprehension score is assigned based on the student’s performance at each level. The grade level expectation for our students is -Start first grade at a level 4 or higher -Progress to a level 10 or higher by the mid year screening -End the year at a level 16 or higher. Information will be shared with you at our Parent-Teacher Conference.

12 DRA Level 4

13 DRA Level 16

14 SO… In order for all of our students to make the jump from kindergarten level expectations in reading to first grade level, we have to work hard and push those reading skills.

15 HOW Will We Do It? In class, reading instruction has many different looks. Throughout the day, we work in -whole group activities -small group activities -guided reading groups -self-selected independent reading activities

16 HOW Will We Do It? Monitor the student’s reading level progress in their “Leadership Notebooks.” Target skills to improve on. This allows our students to take ownership of this process as they chart and monitor their progress with assistance from their teachers.

17 The Home Connection Reinforcement of and practice with reading skills is crucial at this stage of development. The best way to help reinforce these skills is through consistent reading practice at home.

18 The Home Connection Home Reading Log
This is how we begin to establish daily focus (which we hope lasts forever!) on reading with our students. Each student is asked to read a good fit book out loud to an adult for minutes on a daily basis and discuss comprehension of the story they have read.

19 WHAT to read? There are many different choices for the children to read from. Ex: Guided reading books, Poetry, basal readers, library books Most importantly, their choice of reading material should be a good-fit book (appropriate reading level) for them. We have been talking about and will continue to talk about choosing good fit books in class.

20 High Frequency Words Spelling Lists
First grade will be working toward mastery of 150 sight words (compared to Kinder’s 32 words), or high frequency words. These will be most of the word wall words in our classrooms. Spelling lists will be used to introduce the students to many basic spelling patterns that they will build from in the coming years. It is important for our students to master reading, writing and spelling these words so that they can recognize the patterns in new words.

21 First Grade Writing Expectations
Use Proper: Letter formation Punctuation Capitalization Spacing Complete thoughts (Beginning, Middle, End)

22 Encourage lots of writing at home!
How Can You Help? Encourage lots of writing at home! Journals, cards, and lists Create “what if” prompts to help HOTS Allow practice on doodle boards, white boards, sidewalks (with chalk), etc… Ensure homework completion

23 More Tips When looking at your child’s writing, be enthusiastic!
Focus on words kids should know- word wall words/spelling words/words with patterns Encourage good handwriting!

24 First Grade Math

25 TEKS Our curriculum is mandated by the State of Texas: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills We teach these skills using the District Pacing Calendar Your child will take benchmarks along with unit tests throughout first grade. New Math TEKS took effect last year. These new standards are much more rigorous.

26 Math has changed since we were kids Rote memorization VS Process and explaining thinking: Kayla planted 12 seeds, but only 7 sprouted. She planted 5 more seeds, and three of those sprouted. How many seeds sprouted altogether? A rectangular prism has: a) a curved surface b) 4 vertices and 4 edges c) 6 sides and 12 edges d) none of the above

27 Examples of Math Problems:
David is 2 years older than Jacob. David is 8 years old. Which addition sentence helps you find Jacob’s age? 8+2=10 2+1=3 6-2=4 6+2=8

28 Continued Examples: Hillary played 4 games of tag. Jon played 4 games of tag and then 1 more. How many games of tag did Hillary and Jon play in all? 10 9 8 7

29 Math Talk When working with your child at home on math games, worksheets, or vocabulary, it is important to talk about Math with your child. Our students are expected to be able to justify and write how they solved and worked through a math problem. For example: How do you add 1 to any number? How do you add 2 to any number? “I would put the bigger number in my head and count on 1 more or 2 more. I could use a number line to start at the bigger number then hop and count.”

30 Vocabulary Edge Addition Vertex Sum Greatest Least Minus Less Than
Difference Addition Greatest Least Less Than Vertex Sum Minus Greater Than Edge

31 Hands on activities – learn math by doing

32 Playing games helps reinforce concepts
Computer Games Top it Roll To 50

33 Homework Important component to your child’s learning.
Will consist of: Math assignment to review lessons taught in class. Reading log Read every day! Reading books from book buddy bag or library bag Reviewing sight words every day! Reading every day will significantly impact your child’s success in and outside the classroom!


35 First Grade Awards Honor Criteria Perfect Attendance
0 absences and 3 or less tardies Excellent Attendance 1-3 absences and 3 or less tardies Terrific Tiger Award 3 or less color changes per nine weeks High Academic Achievement in Reading DRA level 20 or higher High Academic Achievement in Math End of Year Assessment 90% or above Academic Achievement Student has made progress in an academic area Six Flags Six Hour Reading Club Participated and returned form by the deadline Accelerated Reader, Jump Rope for Heart, Book It Student Participation Book It All Star Reader Completed all 6 months of the Program


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