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INTENSIVE SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME. 2 OBJECTIVES To improve knowledge of students on health & hygiene resulting in imbibe the habit- “Health is wealth”

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Presentation on theme: "INTENSIVE SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME. 2 OBJECTIVES To improve knowledge of students on health & hygiene resulting in imbibe the habit- “Health is wealth”"— Presentation transcript:


2 2 OBJECTIVES To improve knowledge of students on health & hygiene resulting in imbibe the habit- “Health is wealth” Better health for students Students to act as change agents in the family & community

3 Major Activities Formation of Technical Sub Committee Formation of Technical Sub Committee Selection of School Health Coordinator Selection of School Health Coordinator Training of SHC Training of SHC Placement Funds Placement Funds Approval f Plan Approval f Plan Procurement of Logistics Procurement of Logistics Role Clarity of Implementing Agency Role Clarity of Implementing Agency

4 Sl.NoDistricts Selection of School Co- ordinator (Y/N) Acct. No. Fund Place ment (Y/N) Training of School Health Co- ordinator (Y/N), If no date Plan app rov al Procurement of height, weight & first aid box (Y/N), If No date for processing 1ANGULYesYes No-by 17th Nov 17th Nov. 29th No-will place to School 2BALASORE4-yesNoNo No 3BARGARHNoNoNoNoNoNo 4BHADRAKNoNoNoNoNoNo 5BOLANGIRYesYesYesYes No 6BOUDH No-3 nos NoNoNo No

5 Sl. No Districts Selection of School Co- ordinator (Y/N) Acct. No. Fund Placement (Y/N) Training of School Health Co- ordinator (Y/N), If no date Plan approval Procument of height, weight & first aid box(Y/N), If No date for processing 7CUTTACKYes No-on 10th Nov Next weekNo 8DEOGARHYes No 9DHENKANALYes 12th Nov.No 10GAJAPATI40-yesYes 9th Nov.No 11GANJAM19-yesYes 10th17thNo 12 JAGATSINGHP URYes 17th. No 13JAJPURYes No 14JHARSUGUDA36-yesYesToday Within this week No 15KALAHANDI

6 Sl. No Districts Selection of School Co- ordinator (Y/N) Acct. No. Fund Placemen t (Y/N) Training of School Health Co- ordinator (Y/N), If no date Plan approval Procument of height, weight & first aid box (Y/N), If No date for processing 16KANDHAMALYes 100/225- YesNo 1/2 Batch completed By 30th Nov Provided to 30 Schools 17KEONJHAR84-yesYes 22ndNo 18KENDRAPARAYes By 10th NovYesNo 19KHURDAYes No No (All due to absence of DWO/ADMO PH) 20KORAPUTYes By 12th Nov20thNo 21MALKANGIRIYes 3/7 given onlyNo20thNo

7 Sl. No Districts Selection of School Co- ordinator (Y/N) Acct. No. Fund Placeme nt (Y/N) Training of School Health Co- ordinat or (Y/N), If no date Plan approval Procument of height, weight & first aid box(Y/N), If No date for processing 22MAYURBHANJYes No. on Training 16th NovNo 23 NAWARANGPUR Switched up 24NAYAGARH No-11th Nov.No 25NUAPADA No-11th Nov.No 26PURIYes NoYesProcess No.(Quotation called ) 27RAYAGADAYes Yes (-2)No No(Next Week) 28SAMBALPURYes No 29SONEPURYes processNo 30SUNDARGARHYes 10th NovNo Order given

8 Sl. No Districts Selection of School Co- ordinator (Y/N) Acct. No. Fund Placement (Y/N) Training of School Health Co- ordinator (Y/N), If no date Plan approv al Procument of height, weight & first aid box(Y/N), If No date for processing Task Completion Status 22 Dist. 21 Dist.9 Dist.8 Dist.1 Dist.2 Dist.

9 Expenditure analysis of Districts under School Health Programme as on 31.12.09 (Rs in Lakhs) Sl No District Budget Expenditur e inuccred % of Expenditur e 1Angul 17.82 0.07 0% 2Balasore 39.17 0.09 0% 3Baragarh 23.88 -0% 4Bhadrak 30.26 -0% 5Bolangir 25.98 -0% 6Boudh 6.98 -0% 7Cuttack - -- 8Deogarh 5.61 0.02 0% 9Dhenkanal 20.96 -0% 10Gajapati 10.50 1.08 10%

10 Expenditure analysis of Districts under School Health Programme as on 31.12.09 (Rs in Lakhs) Sl No District Budget Expenditur e inuccred % of Expenditur e 11Ganjam 58.92 -0% 12Jagatsinghpur 18.36 -0% 13Jajpur 34.61 -0% 14Jharsuguda 9.04 -0% 15Kalahandi 26.87 -0% 16Kandhamal 16.11 -0% 17Kendrapara 26.34 0.54 2% 18Keonjhar 28.48 0.29 1% 19Khurda 27.84 0.08 0% 20Koraput 18.93 -0% 21Malkanagiri 10.71 -0% 22Mayurbhanj 44.67 -0% 23Nawarangpur 18.49 -0%

11 Expenditure analysis of Districts under School Health Programme as on 31.12.09 (Rs in Lakhs) Sl No District Budget Expenditure inuccred % of Expenditur e 24Nayagarh 17.37 0.141% 25Nuapada 9.90 0.303% 26Puri 28.93 -0% 27Rayagada 14.75 0.443% 28Sambalpur 14.95 0.060% 29Sonepur 11.39 0.030% 30Sundargarh 29.65 1.334% Total 647.49 4.451%


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