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Lauren Shepherd Foege N303 REU Communications Class The Science of Science Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Lauren Shepherd Foege N303 REU Communications Class The Science of Science Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lauren Shepherd Foege N303 REU Communications Class The Science of Science Writing

2 Quotes on Scientific Writing Write for a scientist in another field. Don't underestimate your readers' intelligence, but don't overestimate their knowledge of a particular field. When writing about science, don't simplify the science; simplify the writing. Julie Ann Miller, Editor of Science News One way to find out if you have succeeded (in writing clearly) is to show your draft to colleagues in other specialties. If they do not understand, neither, very probably, will The Lancet's staff. The Lancet

3 Objectives 1.Disseminate knowledge 2.Communicate finding 3.Provide record of work

4 Significance Establish expertise Build reputation

5 Types of Articles Review - summarize field Research - original findings Brief communication - “hot method”

6 Reminders Publish original work Don’t falsify data Don’t plagiarize


8 Writing Suggestions Use active voice (avoid passive when at all possible) Use past tense * Balance substance and structure * Introduction & discussion

9 Tips for Logical Prose 1.Determine main message(s) 2.Topic ➙ emphasis 3.Old ➙ new 4.Find the action 5.Clarify!

10 Strategies for Writing Think in sections Determine key ideas Flesh out details Add transitions

11 Article Structure 1.Title 2.Abstract 3.Introduction 4.Materials and methods 5.Results 6.Discussion (conclusion) 7.Acknowledgments

12 Structural Details Beginning: objectives and hypotheses Middle: methods and data End: conclusions and implications

13 Title Attract attention Succinct and catchy Describe message A reversible wet/dry adhesive inspired by mussels and geckos A structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid Imaging the biogenesis of individual HIV-1 virions in live cells

14 Abstract Acts as gatekeeper to paper Summarize paper (150-300 words) 1-2 sentences per section Give away take-home message

15 Introduction Survey field Review status Construct motivation Background Objective How you fit in Hypothesis What’s novel

16 Materials and Methods Describe and cite (general reader) Enough detail for peers to reproduce Supplemental information (expert)

17 Results ‘Big picture’ description of experiments Present the Data

18 Results Present in logical order Support objectives and hypotheses Present analyzed data Integrate text and data

19 Discussion Examine and explain results Place results in context Discuss implications ( theoretical & practical ) Summarize evidence for conclusions Discuss − do not repeat − Results

20 Acknowledgments Facilities Significant assistance discussions physical and technical reagents or supplies Funding

21 5 Practical Tips 1.Create figures and results 2.Outline each section 3.Provide context and impress 4.Connect dots for readers 5.Have peers review paper

22 Peer Review Session

23 Create a rough draft of your paper 1.Introduction 2.Methods 3.Preliminary figures and results Homework: Due July 30 Revised Poster 1.Introduction 2.Methods graphics or schematic 3.Preliminary figures and results

24 Books and Articles: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Robert Day. Doing Science, Ivan Valiela. The Science of Scientific Writing, Gopen, G. and Swan, J. American Scientist, 78, 550-558: 1990. Me Write Pretty One Day: How to Write a Good Scientific Paper. Wells, W. Journal of Cell Biology, 165, 757-758: 2004. Resources

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