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Best Practices for Part-Time Faculty Julie Withers-Sociologist Associate Faculty-Butte Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices for Part-Time Faculty Julie Withers-Sociologist Associate Faculty-Butte Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices for Part-Time Faculty Julie Withers-Sociologist Associate Faculty-Butte Community College

2 What do we mean when we say “Best Practices?” Progressive campuses create inclusive environments where all faculty thrive (through shared governance and campus involvement) – Issue: Disenfranchisement and marginalization Affects job satisfaction and student success Job Satisfaction – Money matters, but… Inclusion: feeling like one “belongs” Equity: Same job, regardless of wages and benefits

3 Language matters: Part-timers, Adjuncts…Associates? @ Butte – Part-time faculty Association (PFA) Empowerment and Equity – Governance: Academic Senate Five Associate Faculty sit on our senate – Give “voice” to associate issues on campus Associate Executive position being voted on in fall 2011 – Butte’s senate executive “committed” to associate inclusion

4 Professional Development – March, 2011:“Making Connections: An Associate Faculty Conference Five associates planned, organized, and implemented one-day conference Over 70 attendees Presentations and workshops pertaining to associate faculty concerns, on-campus opportunities, and best practices in teaching – “I didn’t know I could do that?” – Flex activities throughout each semester Associate opportunities coordinated by an associate faculty member: Stipended (paid) position

5 Recommendations Your turn – What would “best practices” look like at your campus? – Please take a moment and write down three items that would improve shared governance and/or associate (part-time) faculty involvement

6 Discussion

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