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F ACTORS IN M EAL P LANNING. W HAT IS A M EAL P ATTERN ?  Plan for meals based on a combination of “what is one serving” and “what food groups go together”

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2 W HAT IS A M EAL P ATTERN ?  Plan for meals based on a combination of “what is one serving” and “what food groups go together” as set by USDA

3 M EAL P ATTERNS Breakfast  1 milk  1 fruit and or vegetable  1 grain Lunch  1 milk  2 fruit and/or vegetable  1 grain  1 meat

4 M EAL P ATTERNS Snack  From 2 different food groups

5 A NALYZING S NACKS Which of the following snacks meet USDA guidelines? Left side in your ISN

6 A NALYZING S NACKS  1. Milk and banana  2. Potato chips and milk  3. Apple wedge and milk  4. Cereal and milk  5. Chocolate chip cookie and milk  6. Milk, peanut butter and cracker  7. Orange slices and milk

7 A NALYZING S NACKS  8. Milk and bagel with butter  9. Apple juice and celery stuffed with cream cheese  10. Corn chips and milk  11. Caramel and apples  12. Peanut butter balls and milk  13. Vegetable dip, vegetables and milk

8 A NALYZING S NACKS What are your suggestions for a good medium snack that would meet USDA guidelines? Left side in your ISN

9 W HAT FACTORS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ?  Nutrition  Diet restrictions  Meal pattern  Foods not high in sugar or salt  Affordable

10 W HAT FACTORS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ?  Foods easily eaten by child  Lightly seasoned  Raw and cooked  Prepared in a reasonable amount of time

11 W HAT FACTORS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ?  Foods liked by children  Interesting

12 W HAT FACTORS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ? Variety  Taste  Texture  Flavor  Shape  Form  Color

13 A NALYZING A M ENU How would you change each of the following menus to make them suitable for a young child? Left side in your ISN

14 A NALYZING A M ENU  Hamburger on a bun  French fries  Fried apple pie  Milk Menu 1

15 A NALYZING A M ENU  Meatloaf  Mashed potatoes  Applesauce  Vanilla pudding  Milk Menu 2

16 A NALYZING A M ENU  Baked trout  Baked potato  Stuffed acorn squash  Garlic bread  Milk Menu 3

17 W HAT ARE SOME COMMON EATING PROBLEMS ?  Negative attitude toward food  Resistance to eating  Slow eating  Refusal to eat  Displeasure in eating

18 W HAT IS THE ROLE OF AN ADULT AT MEALTIMES ?  Make conversation to develop language and social skills  Model proper eating and table manners

19 W HAT IS THE ROLE OF AN ADULT AT MEALTIMES ?  Help children serve themselves  Allow child to decide how much food  Help child make good decisions

20 W HAT IS THE ROLE OF AN ADULT AT MEALTIMES ?  Teach importance of food to holiday and different cultures

21 W HAT IS THE ROLE OF AN ADULT AT MEALTIMES ?  Teach and serve food groups

22 W HAT IS THE ROLE OF AN ADULT AT MEALTIMES ?  Teach by pointing out colors, size, shapes, textures, numbers, temperature, flavors, food words

23 W HAT CONTRIBUTES TO A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT ?  Happy, relaxed  Bright, kid-sized  Help from child  No delays  Setting a good example

24 W HAT CONTRIBUTES TO A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT ?  Serve family style  Climate of respect and acceptance  Child helps prepare

25 W HAT ARE A CHILD ’ S RESPONSIBILITIES ?  Understanding what and how much to serve  Understanding when he is full and to stop eating

26 W HAT ARE A CHILD ’ S RESPONSIBILITIES ?  Joining social interactions and conversations

27 W HAT ARE A CHILD ’ S RESPONSIBILITIES ?  Learning table manners, eating behaviors, and healthy eating habits

28 W HAT ARE A CHILD ’ S RESPONSIBILITIES ?  Understanding nutrition and its importance

29 W HY ARE SOME FOODS INAPPROPRIATE ?  No nutritional value  Some foods are hard for toddlers to digest

30 W HY ARE SOME FOODS INAPPROPRIATE ?  Can cause choking:  Size  Shape  Texture

31 W HAT IS CHOKING ?  Food inhaled into the airway so breathing is prevented

32 W HAT ARE SOME INAPPROPRIATE FOODS ?  Too large  Pieces should be about ½ inch Size

33 W HAT ARE SOME INAPPROPRIATE FOODS ?  Circles can block the windpipe  Cut carrots and hot dogs into strips or pieces and not rounds Shape

34 W HAT ARE SOME INAPPROPRIATE FOODS ?  Too firm, slippery or smooth  Hard candy, peanuts, olives, grapes, ice cubes, chewing gum Texture

35 W HAT ARE SOME INAPPROPRIATE FOODS ?  Too sticky or tough  Peanut butter, dried fruit, some candy like marshmallows, or meat like steak Grind or cook until soft Texture

36 W HAT ARE SOME INAPPROPRIATE FOODS ?  Too small, dry or hard  Popcorn, chips and pretzels, nuts and seeds, raw carrots and celery, fruits with peel No bones, no seeds Texture


38  Supervise and remind child to chew, eat slowly and not talk with mouth full  Calm, relaxed atmosphere  Sit quietly

39 H OW CAN YOU PREVENT CHOKING ?  Not serve foods that are dangerous  Fix foods that are easy to swallow

40 W HAT SHOULD YOU DO IF A CHILD IS CHOKING ?  Stay calm and get down to the child’s level  Watch closely and encourage coughing  Call 911 if not able to speak or losing consciousness

41 W HAT SHOULD YOU DO IF A CHILD IS CHOKING ?  If certified, begin procedures of 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts if child is conscious

42 P LANNING S NACKS Respond to the following snack cases? Left side in your ISN

43 S NACK C ASE #1  You get the munchies while at school and cannot leave campus and the only food choices are in the vending machines. What can you choose for a healthy snack.

44 S NACK C ASE #2  You and your friends stop at Wendy’s for fast food after school. What do you order to meet the healthy snack requirement?

45 S NACK C ASE #3  You and your family are at a baseball game and you get hungry. What do you buy at the concession stand for a healthy snack choice?

46 S NACK C ASE #4  You are asked to pack a healthy snack for a two hour bus ride to a concert. What snack foods are you packing?

47 S NACK P LANNING P ROJECT You may work with a partner

48 P LANNING H EALTHY S NACKS Part 1 Part 2  You are to plan a healthy snack that children would enjoy and could help prepare.  You are to plan for an activity that would teach children a nutrition concept.

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