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1 Re-Rents. 2 When using the Purchasing Menu in RentalMan to setup your Re-Rents, you will have the ability to track all Re-Rents. Within this option,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Re-Rents. 2 When using the Purchasing Menu in RentalMan to setup your Re-Rents, you will have the ability to track all Re-Rents. Within this option,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Re-Rents

2 2 When using the Purchasing Menu in RentalMan to setup your Re-Rents, you will have the ability to track all Re-Rents. Within this option, you will be able to generate a Re-Rent and track the transactions that have been flagged for Re- Rent by different reporting tools. Through this option, you will be able to: Generate a Re-Rent Purchase Order Tie it to a Contract View different reports to track your open Re-Rents. The steps you will use are: Setup the P.O. Header Create the Equipment Detail record Apply the Open P.O. to a Contract Update Re-Rent Detail information View how billing ties to Receiving and Closing Purchase Orders View different reporting links. Outline

3 3 Re-Rents The P.O. Header screen is similar to creating a P.O. with regular parts, except for the following: The Material code must be ‘RR’ The Customer number to be re-rented to must be entered  NOTE: If you do not know the Customer number, then press F4 to search. Once you enter the customer number and press Enter, The customer address will automatically populate. P.O. Header Information RentalMan path: 2 -2

4 4 Re-Rents When entering into the P.O. Detail, you will notice that the layout is completely different. There are only a couple of required fields to be populated at this time. The remainder of the fields will be required when converting the Rental Contract. Required fields: Cat/Class – choose the item that best describes what you are renting to the customer. Vendor Rates – Apply the rates that you will be charged for re-renting the equipment.  NOTE: When you populate the vendor rates, the system will populate the Book Rates that are set up in the Rate Master File and provide you with a Profit Margin. Re-rent Detail The Make, Model and Serial# can be populated now or at the time you create the rental contract. RentalMan path: 2 -2

5 5 Re-Rents Scenarios Once a Purchase Order has been created, the following scenarios will apply to the P.O.: You can update the P.O. with Price Adjustments Once the P.O. has been assigned to a Rental Contract, no adjustments can be made If the Rental Contract Cycle Bills, the Purchase Order will also automatically bill The only way the P.O. can be closed is by returning the item on the Rental Contract

6 6 Re-Rents Equipment Detail RentalMan path: 1 - 1 When applying a Re-Rent to a Rental Contract, your set up is the same as on a contract. When you get to the Equipment Detail screen where equipment can be added, place an ‘RR’ in the Equipment# field and press Enter. Once you press Enter, the screen will advance to the P.O. Search screen for Re- Rents specific to the customer you are writing the contract for.

7 7 Re-Rents P.O. Search RentalMan path: 1 - 1 When you enter into the P.O. Search screen, only the Re-Rents will display that have not been assigned to a Rental Contract. The system will default to these two inquiry fields: Open only: Y - to only show P.O.s that have not been assigned to a contract. Open only: N - to only show P.O.s that have been assigned to a contract MC – Material Code (RR) You are able to apply different options to either view, reprint or email the Purchase Order.

8 8 Re-Rents Re-rent Contract Detail RentalMan path: 1 - 1 After selecting the P.O. from the P.O. Search screen, the Re-rent Detail pop-up window appears. At this time, you will be required to populate the Make, Model, Serial# and Hour Meter. If any of the fields were populated before the selection, then you can modify blue highlighted fields.

9 9 Re-Rents If the cat/class you selected to Re-Rent has availability, then the system will pull up a managers approval window.  System Message: Equipment available. Cancel P.O. and get owned rental equipment or press enter for approval. The approval window is looking for the Managers system password. Rental Contract – P.O. Approval RentalMan path: 1 - 1

10 10 Re-Rent Re-rent Detail Inquiry – path: 1 – 53 - 5 Reporting Detail Rental Analysis – path: 6 - 11 Open P.O. Report – path: 2 – 71 - 3 The Detail Rental Analysis can be defined to view all Re-Rents by category/Class, and view MTD, YTD and LTD dollars. You can also drill into the Category which is helpful to determine if additional equipment is needed in the future. The Open P.O. Report allows for running a report listing of purchase orders that are open based on certain criteria. Criteria may be specified to print all purchase orders or only those with equipment (versus inventoried sales items) and/or only those with specific material codes in the purchase order header information. The Re-Rent Detail Inquiry can be specified by a category/class/sub-class range along with region or location to display Re-Rent information. Each contract having re-rent equipment will be listed. It will also display the available quantity of company equipment in order to determine if re-rent equipment should be exchanged or returned to the vendor. This will ensure that company owned equipment is being fully utilized. Other functions may be performed, such as Display Contract, Display the associated purchase order, Display the Category/Class location record, Process a pickup ticket and/or Process an exchange.

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