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Identify Customers & Specify Value Create Flow by Eliminating Waste

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1 Identify Customers & Specify Value Create Flow by Eliminating Waste
What is Lean? Identify Customers & Specify Value Pursue Perfection Maximise The Value Respond to Customer Pull Identify & Map the Value Stream Who are your customers and what do they want. Understanding the current state process and whether or not it is delivering value from the customers perspective. Make the value flow through eliminating waste. Understand the customer demand on the process. Is this value demand or failure demand? Continuously improving what we do. All about providing a better service for our customer. Make sure at the end that you check understanding and question them about it’s applicability in the university. ©Cardiff University Create Flow by Eliminating Waste

2 Local Business Community
Who Is the Customer? Parents The Student Academics Government Bodies Professional Bodies Employers Local Business Community Health Trusts Research Institutes The University Funding Providers ©Cardiff University

3 Customer Driven Improvement Process (CDIP)
A postgraduate course that allows me to continue my undergraduate studies. A postgraduate course that stands out in the job market A Postgraduate course that is related to the career I want to go into. One method of asking what a customer wants is to use the Customer Driven Improvement Process or CDIP. I had a look at the Project Q website and used the CDIP form to demonstrate some of the things that were wanted from a postgraduate course. Pleas be aware I have used some poetic licence here and this is just an example. Firstly you ask the customer what they want. This is written in the column as indicated. You keep asking until they run out although you don’t want them to come up with war and peace. You then go back through the list asking how important each want is on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being most important the scores here are ringed in red. The ask how well that is being provided currently on a scale of 1-4 with 1 being very dissatisfied and 4 being delighted. The scores here are ringed in green. Then to provide the max possible score take the number of wants and multiply by the max score of 4. In this case that gives a max possible of 12. Then add up the actual satisfaction score in this case 7. Tat gives a customer satisfaction Index of 58%. Then identify which want was the most important but was not satisfactory this is known as the big one. This would be where you will focus your efforts after all there is always limited resource to work with. Next look for the most important which has a good satisfaction level this is the pat on the back. It is always good to recognise what you are doing well so that you don’t take your eye off of it. The really good bit about this form is that you then ask the customer in their own words what you can do to improve on that big one. This is important as it gives you a very clear idea of what the customer wants and also allows you to play it back in the customers own words. Then set a review date. 12 7 58% Stands out in the job market Good choice of career related options Promote the university more with businesses. 3 months time

4 Identify Customers & Specify Value Create Flow by Eliminating Waste
What is Lean? Identify Customers & Specify Value Pursue Perfection Maximise The Value Respond to Customer Pull Identify & Map the Value Stream Who are your customers and what do they want. Understanding the current state process and whether or not it is delivering value from the customers perspective. Make the value flow through eliminating waste. Understand the customer demand on the process. Is this value demand or failure demand? Continuously improving what we do. All about providing a better service for our customer. Make sure at the end that you check understanding and question them about it’s applicability in the university. ©Cardiff University Create Flow by Eliminating Waste

5 How to Map Current State
COMSC Exams ©Cardiff University

6 Identify Customers & Specify Value Create Flow by Eliminating Waste
What is Lean? Identify Customers & Specify Value Pursue Perfection Maximise The Value Respond to Customer Pull Identify & Map the Value Stream Who are your customers and what do they want. Understanding the current state process and whether or not it is delivering value from the customers perspective. Make the value flow through eliminating waste. Understand the customer demand on the process. Is this value demand or failure demand? Continuously improving what we do. All about providing a better service for our customer. Make sure at the end that you check understanding and question them about it’s applicability in the university. ©Cardiff University Create Flow by Eliminating Waste

7 ©Cardiff University Transportation Inventory Movement Waiting
Overproduction Over Processing Defects Moving equipment to different meeting rooms. Overfilled stationery cupboards. Medical students walking from wards to lecture theatres. Students queueing to register at start of term. Printing out multiple copies of meeting minutes already sent electronically. Too many meetings / committees Students being given incorrect exam marks Moving forms between HR and other departments. Stockpiling headed notepaper Forms moving around internal mail Waiting for exam results. Printing unnecessary documents Several colleagues checking the same paperwork. Incorrect expenses being paid to staff Retrieving or storing files Excessive books in the library. Poor office layout / design - located far from printer etc. Sitting in a meeting room, waiting for meetings to start because people are late. Offering courses that nobody applies for Repeated manual data entry Data entry errors. Moving documents to and from shared equipment Out of date equipment that is still stored. Searching for files. Waiting for signatures. Students graduating in subjects in which there are no jobs. Keeping local databases which replicate University databases Incomplete forms. Same document going back and forth from Newport Road to the Heath Listing courses in UCAS that are set to 0. Meetings instead of telephone calls Waiting for faxes. Producing reports that nobody reads Out of date mailing lists etc. Unused records in the database. Waiting for a printer to be repaired Overly scrutinising work when key stakeholder has approved it Inaccurate advice given to staff / students.. ©Cardiff University

8 Identify Customers & Specify Value Create Flow by Eliminating Waste
What is Lean? Identify Customers & Specify Value Pursue Perfection Maximise The Value Respond to Customer Pull Identify & Map the Value Stream Who are your customers and what do they want. Understanding the current state process and whether or not it is delivering value from the customers perspective. Make the value flow through eliminating waste. Understand the customer demand on the process. Is this value demand or failure demand? Continuously improving what we do. All about providing a better service for our customer. Make sure at the end that you check understanding and question them about it’s applicability in the university. ©Cardiff University Create Flow by Eliminating Waste

9 Quality Mapping Tools Introduction
PDCA cycle Plan Do Check Act Quality We continually get better as an organisation by working within a plan do check act cycle – a scientific approach to work. As a University, we are very good at the ‘Plan’ part, but it sometimes we fail to reach the ‘Do’ stage! Some organisations are very good at “Doing” but then might not apply ‘Check’ and ‘Act’.. i.e. learn from their mistakes The best organisations work within Plan, Do, Check, Act cycles, continually improving the quality of their service with each iteration of the cycle Lean Thinking & Contact Centres 9

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