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 In the “I believe” essays we read so far, what kinds of leads (beginnings) did the author’s use?  Were they effective? Did they introduce the topic/story.

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Presentation on theme: " In the “I believe” essays we read so far, what kinds of leads (beginnings) did the author’s use?  Were they effective? Did they introduce the topic/story."— Presentation transcript:


2  In the “I believe” essays we read so far, what kinds of leads (beginnings) did the author’s use?  Were they effective? Did they introduce the topic/story well?

3  Having a powerful hook in your essay will grab the reader’s attention and make them interested in reading on…YOU WANT THAT!  Some of the authors we read from did start their essays with “I believe”. However, there are many other ways to begin an essay. I highly encourage you to try other ways.  What other ways are there, you ask?!

4  Captures the interest of readers  Makes them want to read on!  Ways to do this: ◦ A question ◦ A quote ◦ A definition ◦ An anecdote (short story/description) ◦ A hypothetical situation

5  A question: Pose a question to your readers to consider as they are reading, or one that you will answer in your writing.  A quote: Use a quote from the situation you are discussing in your writing or find a famous quote that relates.  A definition: Utilize the dictionary definition of something having to do with your personal essay. (Your belief, an example you are using, etc…)  An anecdote: A short story that connects to your claim.  Hypothetical Situation: Imagine that....

6  Make sure your essay is about something you truly care about/believe in-enough to write about.  Readers want to know YOU-what you know, feel, think, believe  Give your readers opportunities to connect with your belief and your essay. Think about the small moments and the BIG PICTURE.

7  Use details to draw the reader in, be specific! ◦ Use the five senses-what did you see, hear, smell, taste, touch?  Make sure your readers can come away from reading knowing what the point was

8 Using one or more of the following, in your body paragraphs.  Dialogue – Add in dialogue, thoughts and comments, that are relevant and were a part of the story you are discussing.  Rhetorical Question- A question that is relevant to the story you are discussing that helps the reader understand you point.  Anecdote – A short story or description of a moment in the story you are writing about  Personal Experience – Your reasoning, from a personal experience, for why you believe what you do.  Examples- An example of how your belief is represented in life  Statistics- Real evidence that supports your belief

9  Take a look in your personal essay packet of papers…

10  Tell a story about YOU  Be Concise-Focused and Specific  Name your belief  Be positive-write about something you DO believe  Be Personal

11  You all have wonderful and important stories to share.  While no one will have to share, I definitely encourage you TO SHARE!  Students who are interested in sharing upon completion of the essay can sign up to read during class…

12  To submit your This I Believe Essay, go to

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