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QUARTER 3 WEEK 2 Macbeth. MACBETH: PLAY INFORMATION  IN p. 69  Text p. 214  Tape in the Macbeth Handout you received from me.  Review the Time, Place,

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Presentation on theme: "QUARTER 3 WEEK 2 Macbeth. MACBETH: PLAY INFORMATION  IN p. 69  Text p. 214  Tape in the Macbeth Handout you received from me.  Review the Time, Place,"— Presentation transcript:

1 QUARTER 3 WEEK 2 Macbeth

2 MACBETH: PLAY INFORMATION  IN p. 69  Text p. 214  Tape in the Macbeth Handout you received from me.  Review the Time, Place, and Characters  This is where you will write down what you learn about the characters as we read! Keep this page with you at all times; you will need to know each character and why they are important!

3 ACT I SCENE I  Looking at the Shakespearean text, list one paradox you find in this scene.  Looking at the Shakespearean text, list the other paradox you find in this scene.  What do the witches represent?  When will the battle end?  What two animals are mentioned in this scene?

4 ACT I SCENE II  To what athlete does the Captain compare the two armies?  What two men lead armies against one another?  Where did the fallen man’s head end up?  To whom does Ross say Macbeth looked like he was married?  What country’s king wants a treaty?

5 ACT I SCENE III  What does the witch say she will do to the husband of the woman who wronged her?  What is so special about the three witches/ chant?  What does the word “thane” mean?  What prophecy do the witches share with Macbeth and Banquo (which shortly comes true)?  What idea does Macbeth have once the witches prophecies come true?

6 ACT I SCENE IV  Of what country is Duncan king?  How does Duncan feel about Cawdor’s death?  What is ironic about the honor bestowed on Macbeth by being the thane of Cawdor (look at Duncan’s words)?  What problem does Malcolm represent for Macbeth?  What word does Duncan use to describe Macbeth at the end of the scene?

7 ACT I SCENE V  What does Lady Macbeth say her husband lacks to be a leader?  What two things does Lady Macbeth want to make Macbeth king?  What weapon does Lady Macbeth mention in her speech?  Why will Duncan not leave the next day, according to Lady Macbeth?  What creature does Lady Macbeth say her husband should act like?

8 ACT I SCENE VI  How does Duncan feel about Lady Macbeth?  Hows does Banquo describe the Macbeth home?  Why is it ironic that Lady Macbeth speaks of honor?  True or false: Duncan suspects Lady Macbeth of treachery.  True or false: Duncan despises Macbeth.

9 ACT I SCENE VII  What method of death from Hamlet do we see again mentioned in Macbeth?  How does Macbeth view Duncan?  What motivates Macbeth?  Which Macbeth (Lord or Lady) is more obsessed with being royalty?  Who does Lady Macbeth plan on blaming for Duncan’s murder?

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