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Digital Innovation Welcome Dan Elron & Stefano Grazioli.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Innovation Welcome Dan Elron & Stefano Grazioli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Innovation Welcome Dan Elron & Stefano Grazioli

2 Digital Innovation for the Remaining 90% of the Economy

3 Please introduce yourself (1/4)  Name  Year, Major, Concentration...  What brought you here? Why an interest in digital innovation?

4 Class Segments 1.WINIT (10 min) 2.Digi reads: Class discussion of current leading ideas on digital innovation (20 min) 3.Callback (15 min) 4.Cool ideas (20 min) 5.Feedback (15 min) 6.Dan’s lessons learned (10 min)

5 Digital Innovation WINIT What Is New In IT

6 WINIT briefs tell the stories of companies that are digitally innovative 1.quickly introduce the company (e.g., revenue, products, profitability) 2.explain clearly to the class what their digital innovations are, and why they are significant. Show a video if you have one (3-5 min) 3.propose to the class a question, a dilemma, or a statement designed to ignite class discussion (5-7 min) Do not assume that the class knows about the company or the innovation.

7 Please introduce yourself (2/4)  Name  Year, Major, Concentration...  What brought you here? Why an interest in digital innovation?

8 Digital Innovation Digi reads Readings about leading ideas in digital

9 “Winning the Race With Ever- Smarter Machines”  Moore’s law and the second half of the chessboard  Winning with machines  Long tail  Combinatorial innovation Brynjolfsson & McAfee

10 Please introduce yourself (3/4)  Name  Year, Major, Concentration...  What brought you here? Why an interest in digital innovation?

11 Digital Innovation Cool Ideas Feedback Callback Sharpening your digital savvy

12 Business Model Canvas Alexander Osterwalder




16 PartnersActivities Resources Cost Structure Revenue Streams Value PropositionsRelationships Channels Customer Segments Business Model Canvas

17 Please introduce yourself (4/4)  Name  Year, Major, Concentration...  What brought you here? Why an interest in digital innovation?

18 Digital Innovation WINIT Auction

19 Digital Innovation Dan’s Last Word Lessons Learned


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