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The Presidential Elections of 1976 Sahib Nagra. The Context of Election Watergate Scandal – United States vs. Nixon Supreme court ruled in favor of U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "The Presidential Elections of 1976 Sahib Nagra. The Context of Election Watergate Scandal – United States vs. Nixon Supreme court ruled in favor of U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Presidential Elections of 1976 Sahib Nagra

2 The Context of Election Watergate Scandal – United States vs. Nixon Supreme court ruled in favor of U.S. Nixon is forced to give up tapes incriminating him and several other senior officials of the Nixon administration. Becomes the first President to resign. – Corruption= visible The scandal and the overall state of the economy hurt the Americans view of public officials.

3 Party Primaries and Nominations 1976 Democratic Primary – Jimmy Carter – Focused on projecting an image of unity 1976 Republican Primary – Gerald R. Ford (Incumbent President) Very close win – Ronald Reagan (Governor of California) Leader of the GOP’s conservative wing Announces his running mate which backfires – Running mate: PA senator. Moderate.

4 Candidates

5 Incumbent President VP: Bob Dole – Becomes President after Nixon resigns following Watergate. Became VP when Spiro T. Agnew resigned. The first/only person to assume Presidency without being voted into vice presidential office or presidential office. – Politically damaged by pardoning Nixon. – Unable to control inflation. – Watergate: damaged republican party Gerald R. Ford

6 Jimmy Carter Georgia Governor VP: Walter Mondale – Appealed to Americans Nuclear engineer and a peanut farmer. Strong religious beliefs. Wasn’t established in the political system prior to becoming Governor. – Seen as an outsider and reformer – “New South” Opposed the old south ideas of racial separation and mistreatment of black Americans.

7 Debates First time in 16 years that Presidential candidates engaged in general election debates. First time the public observed debates between the Vice Presidential candidates. First time the debates were broadcasted from public place instead of studio. Differed from past debates by allowing moderators to ask follow-up questions, allowed candidate rebuttals and closing arguments. Three debates.

8 General Election Outcome

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