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Writing a Treatment Unit 77 Audio Visual Unit. What is a Treatment and why do we write them?

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1 Writing a Treatment Unit 77 Audio Visual Unit

2 What is a Treatment and why do we write them?

3 TREATMENT WRITING Writing a treatment is a skill that can help any screenwriter succeed, at any point in the creative process. Learning to write a treatment can jump-start a writer's career because it allows a screenwriter to communicate his or her screenplay idea in a brief but compelling way. It also can be a powerful diagnostic and creative tool.

4 TREATMENT WRITING Writing a treatment before you write your next screenplay can help you work out problems and determine whether your story idea is a diamond in the rough, or just a lump of coal. The goal is to combine stories told from the heart with a deep understanding of what other people want to see

5 What is a Treatment A treatment is a either a one page written pitch or can be a 2- 5 page document that should read like a short story and written in the present tense. Outlining the details of the entire story beginning, middle and end and how it should be portrayed on screen

6 What should be in a Treatment 1. A Working title: 2. The writer's name and contact information 3. WGA Registration number 4. A short log-linelog-line 5. Introduction to key characters 6. Who, what, when, why and where. 7. Act 1 in one to three paragraphs. Set the scene, dramatize the main conflicts. 8. Act 2 in two to six paragraphs. Should dramatize how the conflicts introduced in Act 1 lead to a crisis. 9. Act 3 in one to three paragraphs. Dramatize the final conflict and resolution.

7 How to write a Treatment Find a Title Whether the screenwriter is creating a new story or writing a treatment based on an existing script, the first step is to make sure that the screenplay has a good title.

8 Write a log-line The second step is to write a log-line. Preparing a log line for your screenplay is a basic marketing tool It is similar to the summary given in TV Guide. It is a technique for boiling down a plot-line to its essence.

9 Log-Line’s Below is an example: And Then Came Love is a character-driven romantic comedy about a high-powered Manhattan single mom who opens Pandora's box when she seeks out the anonymous sperm donor father of her young son

10 Write a Synopsis The third step is to a synopsis. Begin by expanding the log-line into a three-act story Start with the end. The synopsis is the basic outline of the story/plot of the story you will be portraying on film

11 Writing Treatment Once the synopsis is written, the preparation is complete and the screenwriter can take the synopsis and expand it into a treatment by correcting structure and adding detail, such as the location, shooting and conclusion.

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