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Transactional exchanges. Teaching Objectives In this module, students will learn to understand and speak in a transactional exchange. There are 4 parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Transactional exchanges. Teaching Objectives In this module, students will learn to understand and speak in a transactional exchange. There are 4 parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transactional exchanges

2 Teaching Objectives In this module, students will learn to understand and speak in a transactional exchange. There are 4 parts in this module: arranging a service, buying a TV, air travel and joining a library. Students will develop the skills they need to understand and speak to a person who can give a service in daily life. They will practice listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

3 + Arranging a service + Buying a TV + Air travel + Joining a library

4 Students will develop the skills they need to: 1.understand a person who can give you a service; 2. speak on the phone to a person who can give you a service.

5 Difficult Point How to arrange a service on the phone by yourself. Detailed study of this module I.Part 1 Arranging a service Brainstorming: Work with your group to think of as many words/ phrases/ expressions as possible regarding the following topics: Expressions for different kinds of services in life Expressions for names of the tradespersons.

6 Language activities: + 1. Read the business cards and find out what services are mentioned here. + 2. Learn and repeat the names of the tradespersons. + 3. Learn about some words and expressions relevant to a tradesperson’s job. + 4. Listen to a conversation between a receptionist and a man who reports a problem. And take down the information you need. 1) How to open a conversation on the phone? 2) How to describe a problem? 3) How to end a conversation? Difficult Point

7 + 5. Listen to a conversation between a tradesperson and a man who wants service. And pay attention to the stages the conversation usually follows:  Say who you are;  Describe what the problem is;  Arrange a service: ask about the rates; make a time; tell your address and phone number. Practicing your skills: Work with a partner to practice calling a tradesperson according to the situations.

8 Part 2 Buying a TV Warm-up: Work with your group and discuss this question: If you are buying a TV for your house, what is important to you: brand name, quality, price, warranty and service? Why? Language activities: 1. Listen to a conversation between a customer and a shop assistant. Tick the things they talk about. 2. Listen to the conversation again and list the stages a conversation usually follows when people are shopping. 1) Opening: The shop assistant and customer greet each other. 2) Requesting goods: The customer tells the assistant what he/ she wants. 3) Questions and responses: the customer may ask questions for more information. 4) Pre-closing: Making a payment. 5) Closing: The customer and assistant thank each other and say goodbye. 3. Grammar work

9 Practicing your skills Work with a partner to practice buying a computer monitor. One student is the shop Assistant, the other is the customer. Use the information given below. Part 3 Air travel Warm- up: Discuss the following questions with a partner: Have you ever been on long trips for holidays? How did you travel? Did you book the tickets in advance ? How did you book: online, in person or by phone? How did you pay?

10 1. Listen to a conversation between Tony and Sarah. And tick the useful expressions for asking about information: airfare, number of flights, the length of the flight, booking flights etc. 2. Grammar work: subject-verb agreement. Practicing your skills Pair work: Choose a place you want to visit. Decide if you want to go by train or by plane. Ring an airline, a rail authority or a travel agent to find out information about costs, times etc. Languages activities:

11 + Pair work: Discuss the questions in groups. + Where is your library? + When is it open? + What can you borrow?

12 + 1. Listen to a conversation and take down the information you need. + 2. Read about indirect questions. + 3. Read about pitch when listing things in a conversation.

13 Thank You !

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