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Responsive Prayer of Confession Please join the words in the larger Bold type.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsive Prayer of Confession Please join the words in the larger Bold type."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsive Prayer of Confession Please join the words in the larger Bold type

2 Lord Jesus Christ, we acknowledge your constant mercy, your loving kindness to us all. We are conscious of our sin, we confess our compromises, our errors and our failures before you.

3 We ask you to forgive us; to wipe away our sin, remove our feelings of guilt and resolve the alienation between ourselves and you. We are not right in ourselves, nor with others; we are not right with you. Help us to restore these broken relationships.

4 We have done what we should not have done; we have left undone things we should have done. We have no excuse. Forgive us when we try to excuse what we have been. We sometimes convince ourselves we are innocent. What we are, Lord, is open to you. We are sorry.

5 Forgive us. Restore us to the joy of your salvation. Put a new and loyal spirit within us, so that we may serve you without compromise, without holding anything back.

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