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Click to edit Master title style Performance Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style Performance Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style Performance Expectations

2 Overview of Performance Expectations What are the component parts of a “PERFORMANCE EXPECTATION”? How do “PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS” exemplify three-dimensional learning in a science classroom? How are the new Illinois Learning Standards for Science that are based on the NGSS – “PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS” different than the old Illinois Learning Standards for Science?

3 What Are Performance Expectations? Performance Expectations state what students should be able to do in order to demonstrate that they have met the standard, thus providing clear and specific targets for curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

4 Performance Expectations Build Across Years 1-PS4-2. Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that objects in darkness can be seen only when illuminated. 1-PS4-3. Plan and conduct investigations to determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the path of a beam of light. 1-PS4-2. Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that objects in darkness can be seen only when illuminated. 1-PS4-3. Plan and conduct investigations to determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the path of a beam of light. 4-PS4-2. Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen. MS-PS4-2. Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. Modified from Brian Reiser HS-PS4-3. Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind the idea that electromagnetic radiation can be described either by a wave model or a particle model, and that for some situations one model is more useful than the other. HS-PS4-4. Evaluate the validity and reliability of claims in published materials of the effects that different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation have when absorbed by matter. HS-PS4-3. Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind the idea that electromagnetic radiation can be described either by a wave model or a particle model, and that for some situations one model is more useful than the other. HS-PS4-4. Evaluate the validity and reliability of claims in published materials of the effects that different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation have when absorbed by matter.

5 Who Should Meet Performance Expectations?

6 How Are Performance Expectations Structured? Performance Expectation Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Connections to Other science disciplines at this grade level Other DCIs for older and younger students Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and Language Arts

7 Reading a Performance Expectation

8 Example NGSS Performance Expectation Example NGSS Performance Expectation

9 Circle the words or phrases in the Performance Expectation statements that directly relate to the specific practice/s, core idea/s, and crosscutting concept/s listed in the foundation boxes. Draw arrows to connect your circled words and phrases directly to the specific practice, core idea, and crosscutting concepts in the colored boxes. When finished, share and compare at your table. Analysis: Performance Expectation

10 Time to explore the NGSS standards and performance definitions.

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