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Habitats: The UK’s Rocky Shore. Note to teachers Thank you for downloading this presentation from the Young People’s Trust for the Environment. You are.

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Presentation on theme: "Habitats: The UK’s Rocky Shore. Note to teachers Thank you for downloading this presentation from the Young People’s Trust for the Environment. You are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habitats: The UK’s Rocky Shore

2 Note to teachers Thank you for downloading this presentation from the Young People’s Trust for the Environment. You are welcome to modify it by adding your own slides or deleting ones you don’t need. Please do not remove the photo credits from any of the photos you use and we would be very grateful if you could leave YPTE’s logo and web address on the relevant pages. We want to encourage more and more young people to learn more about taking care of our world for the future, and the website is a great starting point for this. You can find lots more supporting information on plants and animals of the rocky shore by visiting the ‘Explore’ section of

3 Registered charity number 1153740 Habitats: The UK’s Rocky Shore

4 Photo: YPTE

5 Bennett’s Mouth, North Devon Photo: Miles Wolstenholme

6 Photo: Heather Lowther

7 Challenges for Life on the Rocky Shore Wind Rain Salty water Tides Waves Rocky Shore Hot sun

8 Photo: Joy Sea Lettuce

9 Photo: Mark Craig Bladderwrack

10 Photo: Peter Morgan Sea Grass

11 Plankton (seen under a microscope) Photo: idua_japan

12 Brittle Stars Photo: James Lynott

13 Limpets Photo: Tim Green

14 Periwinkle Photo: Ines

15 Hermit Crab Photo: Kim Freeman

16 Photo: John Haslam Shore Crab

17 Photo: Ben Thompson Edible Crab

18 Photo: Sheila Photo: Susannah Anderson Acorn Barnacles Feathery legs sticking out to catch food

19 Prawn Photo: Chris Booth

20 Photo: Mike Beadlet Anemone Photo: Magnus Hagdorn

21 Blenny Photo: Ben Thompson

22 Herring Gull Photo: Ruben Holthuijsen

23 Rocky Shore Food Chain Seaweed PRODUCER Periwinkle CONSUMER Limpet CONSUMER Crab CONSUMER Herring Gull CONSUMER

24 To find out more, please visit Registered charity number 1153740 Creating a better future by inspiring young people to look after our world

25 Credits YPTE would like to thank all the amazing photographers on Flickr who allow the use of their photos for non-commercial purposes. Your photos are helping young people to learn more about environmental issues. We couldn’t have created this presentation without you!

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