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Welcome Back!! Shannon Luster Room 135. Enter the room in a timely manner. ► This means I expect you to be seated (or at least near your seat) when the.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!! Shannon Luster Room 135. Enter the room in a timely manner. ► This means I expect you to be seated (or at least near your seat) when the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!! Shannon Luster Room 135

2 Enter the room in a timely manner. ► This means I expect you to be seated (or at least near your seat) when the bell to start class rings.  Please do not come running sideways into my door when the bell rings!  If you are being detained by another teacher when the bell rings, I expect you to present a hall pass from that teacher when you come to class. If you do not have one, I will send you back to the teacher to get one.

3 Be prepared with all materials. ► You are going to need your literature book for every class period. ► You are going to need a blue or black ink pen for every class period. ► You are going to need your class notebook for every class period. ► When you enter, check the SMART board for any beginning of class instructions you may need.

4 Be attentive at all times. ► The most important thing to remember is that the computers are only to be used with my permission. ► Do not distract students around you.

5 Keep your work area clean and neat. ► Please do not throw your trash underneath the computer stations. ► Make sure your backpacks are placed out of the aisle between the computer stations. ► Do not bring food or drinks to your desks.

6 Respect all members of the classroom. ► Every person in this room has a right to ask a question at any time. Please just raise your hand so that I can acknowledge your question. ► I shall not tolerate one student insulting another student in this classroom. ► I shall not tolerate disrespect toward me. ► This classroom is not to be used as a sounding board for your concerns with other teachers or with other classes.

7 Make-up Work ► Regular attendance to class is key to the successful completion of this English course. ► If you must be absent, please follow the appropriate procedures to get your make-up work:  Let me know immediately upon your return to class which items you need to make-up.  You will only be allowed to make-up items if you present an excused absence slip.  MPS Policy states that you have 3 days from the time of your absence to make-up work.  MPS Policy says that 12 points can be deducted from the assignment for each day it is late.

8 Make-up Work (cont.)  If you had homework which was due on the day of your absence, you must present it on the day of your return in order to receive credit for the assignment.

9 Dismissal from Class ► Do not start packing your backpacks until I instruct you to do so. ► The bell is not the dismissal voice of this class!! I shall dismiss the class each day.

10 Fire Alarm ► Our exit route in the event of a fire alarm is to go out the front doors of the building and go straight into the field behind the front parking lot.  Please stay together as a class because I have to check roll once we are safely out of the building.

11 Tornado Alarm ► In the event of severe weather, we are to take a hard-covered textbook with us when we exit the classroom. As you exit the door, sit against the wall to the left of the door.  Please remain quiet in the hallway so that we can hear further instructions from administration.  I must check roll once we are seated in the hallway.

12 Setting up the Class Notebook ► You will need a 3-Ring Binder for my class. ► I do not check notebooks for a grade, so if you would like to add my class with another binder, you may do so. ► There are five divisions needed for your notebook:  Grammar  Literature  Writing  Glossary

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