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 cfObjective(ANZ)– November 17-18, 2011  Mike Brunt – CFWhisperer.

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Presentation on theme: " cfObjective(ANZ)– November 17-18, 2011  Mike Brunt – CFWhisperer."— Presentation transcript:

1  cfObjective(ANZ)– November 17-18, 2011  Mike Brunt – CFWhisperer

2 Mike has been using CF since 1996, version 1.54 (dbml) and is still actively troubleshooting CF. day in and day out. He worked for Allaire-Macromedia as a ColdFusion-Spectra consultant.  This session will hopefully be very practical with few slides and more action.

3 Tools used in this demo… VisualVM Paessler Web Server Stress Tool SeeFusion

4 In my 11 years of working on planning infrastructure, tuning and troubleshooting no more than 3% of my clients used any formal load testing; why ? Too costly Too complex Too time consuming Slows down application evolution.

5 WHY? Too costly Too complex Too time consuming Slows down application evolution Not load testing is too costly, consuming of time and will slow down application evolution to a crawl!

6 Why Load Test – Business View? Many websites today have a serious business mission—to make money. And whether that’s through providing custom content and proprietary services, through advertising opportunities or by selling retail products, these high-traffic websites and applications need to be up and running at all times. Because if performance slows even a little, many web users are likely to jump quickly to a competitor’s site.

7 Why Load Test – Technical View? Is your CF web server prepared for the traffic you are expecting? Is your CF web server prepared for increasing visitors over the months and years to come? How many seconds does it take for a visitor to your website to receive a page after clicking on a link? Under normal conditions? Under heavy conditions? Can your CF web server survive a massive spike in user traffic (e.g., if your website is mentioned on national TV or your company emails a newsletter to all customers and prospects)?

8 Major Steps in Effective Load Testing 1/ Build a testing infrastructure that is close to production, at least in scaled comparison. 2/ Create a realistic load-test scripts to achieve your goals; realistic load or destruction. 3/ Start testing in the same subnet as the CF web servers. 4/ Move out a subnet at a time until you are where the users will be (not the other way around). 5/ Document all load tests with usable-understandable reports.



11  Prepare ColdFusion before testing by adding enhanced logging capabilities.  Garbage collection (GC) logging – jvm.config - - XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps - XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -verbose:gc -Xloggc:cfwhispererGC.log  Metrics logging (threads and memory). Full details are here…  performant-web-application-step-2 performant-web-application-step-2

12  Prepare ColdFusion before testing by adding VisualVM.  VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis for the Java SE platform.

13  Prepare ColdFusion before testing by adding VisualVM.  Add this argument in jvm.config…  - -





18  This is BORING…

19  This next section of our presentation will demonstrate the creation and running of a basic load test script, using…  ColdFusion 9.01 Multi-Instance  mySQL 5  Paessler Web Server Stress Tool 7  ColdFusion Petmarket Application


21  Q & A Time Mike Brunt – (+1)888.511.2821(USA Only) +1.310.933.6384 (Intl.)

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