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Published byLoraine Burns Modified over 9 years ago
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Performance & Safety Assurance WBS: 4.1.A Darren S. Marsh Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Performance & Safety Assurance Manager Marsh@SLAC.Stanford.Edu Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 2 Outline Introduction Organization Requirements Safety & Mission Assurance Program Reviews Performance Assurance System Workmanship & Inspection Contamination Control Nonconformance Reporting Materials and Processes Systems Safety
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 3 Introduction Performance & Safety Assurance is a program consisting of: –Quality Assurance Hardware Software –Systems Safety –EEE Parts Program –Materials & Processes Program –Contamination Control –Reliability & Risk Management Program –Design Verification –Technical Reviews
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 4 Performance Assurance Functional Responsibilities FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTINSTITUTIONS (LEAD) Hardware QualitySLAC (Marsh), GSFC (Kolecki), NRL (Virmani) Flight Software AssuranceSLAC (Sawyer) Reliability Engineering Continuous Risk Management SLAC (Thurston, Horn) SLAC (Marcellini, Horn) EEE Parts Program NRL (Virmani) Materials & Processes Program SLAC (Nordby, Tice) Instrument Design Verification - Design Verification Planning - Analytical Design Verification - Functional Design Verification SLAC (Horn) SLAC (Klaisner) SLAC (Bloom) Systems Safety SLAC (O’Neill) SLAC (Cullinan) Configuration Management SLAC (Horn, Cramer) Contamination Control
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 5 Performance & Safety Assurance Requirements LAT Documents GLAST Project Office Documents Requirements apply to all work by the LAT collaboration and their subcontractors and suppliers of deliverable space flight hardware and software Contamination Control Plan 433-PLAN-0010 LAT Mission Assurance Reqs 433-MAR-0001 EEE Parts MGMT Plan 433-PLAN-0004 LAT Flight S/W Mgmt. Plan LAT-MD-00104 LAT Mechanical Parts Plan LAT-SS-00107 LAT Quality Manual LAT-MD-00091 Parts Program Control Plan LAT-MD-00099 System Safety Program Plan LAT-MD-00078 LAT Inst. Perf. Verification Plan LAT-MD-00408 Configuration Management Plan LAT-MD-00068 LAT Contam. Control Plan LAT-MD-00404 LAT Risk Mgmt. Plan LAT-MD-00067 LAT Performance Assurance Implementation Plan LAT-MD- 00039
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 6 Safety & Mission Assurance Program Reviews Fiscal Years 20002001200220032004200520062011 GLAST scheduled for launch in September 2006 Begin LAT I&T Critical Design Review PDR PER PreShip Review LAT Ready For S/C I&T FABRICATION PHASECOMMISSIONING PHASE Build & Test Flight Units Observatory I&T Final Design Engr’g Models LAT I&T Ops. Prelim. & Sys. Design Pre-PDR S&MA Survey PDR Delta Baseline Review Pre-CDR S&MA Survey
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 7 Results from GSFC Pre-PDR S&MA Survey Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Office of System Safety and Mission Assurance (OSSMA) performed a survey of the LAT Program April 3-4, 2001 –The goal of the survey was to evaluate the status of the LAT Safety & Mission Assurance Program and give GSFC and LAT personnel the opportunity to discuss Safety & Mission Assurance documentation –The SLAC survey did not result in any “Findings”, there were nine “Observations” and two “Commendations” Nearly all the recommendations identified in the survey were addressed –Documentation updated to reflect comments provided –Secured the necessary expertise in specific disciplines
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 8 Results from PDR/Baseline Reviews Findings from January 2002 PDR/Baseline Review: The Committee concluded that Performance & Safety Assurance was at PDR level and recommended baselining One RFA was generated from the review –Describe the LAT Metrology Program (S. Scott) LAT Quality Procedure LAT-MD-00470, Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment, has been established to ensure that monitoring and measurement can be carried out and are carried out in a manner that is consistent with the monitoring and measurement requirements Findings from the July 2002 Delta PDR/Baseline Review: The Committee reaffirmed the decision to baseline the Performance & Safety Assurance subsystem No RFAs were identified for Performance Assurance
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 9 Results from GSFC Pre-CDR S&MA Survey Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Office of System Safety and Mission Assurance (OSSMA) performed a survey of the LAT Program December 10-11, 2002 –The goal of the survey was to evaluate the status of the LAT Safety & Mission Assurance Program and to assess the program’s readiness for the LAT CDR –The SLAC survey did not result in any “Findings”, there were eight “Observations” Excerpt from the Survey Closeout Report –“It is the conclusion of this survey team that the LAT Performance and Safety Assurance Program is CDR ready.”
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 10 LAT Performance Assurance System LAT Performance Assurance Implementation Plan (PAIP), LAT-MD-00039, released and approved by GSFC –Requirements for performance assurance elements are defined LAT Quality Manual, LAT-MD-00091, completed and released –LAT Quality Management System (QMS) is established, documented, implemented and aligned with the requirements of ISO 9001 Documentation to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of assurance activities –Configuration Management Plan, LAT-MD-00068 –LAT EEE Parts Program Control Plan, LAT-MD-00099 –LAT Contamination Control Plan, LAT-MD-00404 –LAT Flight Software Management Plan, LAT-MD-00104 –LAT Mechanical Parts Plan, LAT-SS-00107 –LAT Continuous Risk Management Plan, LAT-MD-00067 –LAT Instrument Performance Verification Plan, LAT-MD-00408 GOAL IS CONFORMANCE TO REQUIREMENTS
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 11 Performance Assurance Activities Collaborator/Supplier Surveillance Activities –Surveys of collaborators and key suppliers to evaluate ability to produce quality flight hardware and ensure project requirements are met –Review and approve specifications, travelers/work orders and NCRs –Perform on-site source inspections to monitor or witness fabrication, assembly and/or integration & test activities Ensure contamination control requirements are met Compliance to ESD requirements Review travelers/routers, fabrication and workmanship procedures Equipment calibration review Material handling and shelf life material storage
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 12 Fabrication, Assembly, Integration and Test Process Production Readiness Review (PRR) –Review of detailed fabrication and assembly plan using completed drawings, process, tooling, and in-process test procedures Fabrication, Assembly, Integration –All work will be conducted in a controlled manner so that end item conforms to requirements Test Readiness Review –Evaluate the planned test/calibration program and test flow to assure that it meets program needs Comprehensive Performance Test Activities –Instrument Performance Verification Plan, LAT-MD-00408, released and approved –LAT Environmental Specification, LAT-SS-00788, released and approved –Requirements traceability/verification matrix Comprehensive Performance Test Activities Production Readiness Review Fabrication, Assembly, Integration Test Readiness Review
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 13 Delivery & Acceptance Process Pre-Ship Review –Assure the design of the item has been validated through the environmental qualification and/or acceptance test program, that all open items have been dispositioned Flight Unit Delivery –Plans for shipping container, environmental control and mode of transportation developed Post-Ship Acceptance Test –Verifies functionality of delivered hardware to integrator Pre- Ship Review Deliver Hardware to Integration Site Post Ship Acceptance Test
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 14 Workmanship and Process Control LAT personnel working on flight hardware will be trained and certified to the following standards (or equivalent approved ESA standards): –NASA-STD-8739.1, Workmanship Standard for Staking and Conformal Coating of Printed Wiring Boards and Electronic Assemblies –NASA-STD-8739.2, Workmanship Standard for Surface Mount Technology –NASA-STD-8739.3, Requirements for Soldered Electrical Connections –NASA-STD-8739.4, Requirements for Crimping, Interconnecting Cables, Harness, and Wiring –NASA-STD-8739.7, Electrostatic Discharge Control
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 15 Workmanship & Inspection Requirements A work order/traveler will define the steps for QA inspection –Quality records will be maintained and reviewed Mandatory inspections points (MIP) will be performed for integration & test at predefined inspection points –To screen out defects caused by workmanship, design, assembly, etc. –To prevent unacceptable products from entering the next stage of production –A final inspection verified that the hardware/software deliverables meet requirements and are properly documented
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 16 Contamination Control Cleanroom environments –LAT assembly, integration & test activities will be performed in class 100,000 environment –LAT personnel are trained in contamination control Monitoring, recording, and inspections –Continuous temperature, %RH, and multiple port airborne particle count monitoring –Fallout witness plates, tape lifts, and/or NVR solvent rinses/swabs are planned –Visual inspections of hardware and cleaning as required prior to each closeout activity LAT Contamination sensitive hardware (calorimeter, tracker, and ACD) shall meet Level 750B surface cleanliness per MIL-STD-1246
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 17 Contamination Control (Con’t.) Additional requirements –Calorimeter Cesium Iodide crystals shall not be exposed to >45% relative humidity –ACD photomultiplier tubes are shall not be exposed to excessive helium levels as specified in LAT Contamination Control Plan Atmosphere Control using GN2 and/or dry air –ACD requires purge if measured helium levels exceed 10 ppm GN2 will be filtered and certified to Grade B, 99.99% pure per MIL-P-27401 –Dry air flow to calorimeter as required will limit Cesium Iodide crystals exposure to humidity < 45% RH
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 18 Contamination Control (Con’t) Materials selection –Select materials that satisfy outgassing of ≤ 1% TML and ≤ 0.1% CVCM Bakeout –Plan is to do a vacuum bakeout of LAT at 40˚C at start of thermal-vacuum test –The parameters of subsystem or component bakeouts (e.g., temperature, duration, and pressure) will be individualized depending on materials used, the fabrication environment, and the established contamination allowance. –Required thermal vacuum testing of flight hardware shall be performed and outgassing rates shall be monitored to achieve required outgassing levels
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 19 Nonconformance Reporting All nonconformances will be reported through a nonconformance & corrective action (NCR/CA) system –The LAT will ensure that product which does not conform to requirements is identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery –Action will be taken to eliminate the cause of nonconformance in order to prevent recurrence –Close-out of all nonconformance reports shall be verified Work stopped until the nonconformance is reviewed and dispositioned by Material Review Board (MRB) –Records of the nature of nonconformities and any subsequent action taken, including concessions obtained, shall be maintained –When nonconforming product is corrected it shall be subject to re-verification to demonstrate conformity to the requirements
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 20 Nonconformance Reporting Process Nonconformances will be reported to GSFC in accordance with MAR requirements TKR CAL ACD ELEX MECH End Item/Traveler Data Package Program Records Database IPO LAT IOC Operations End Item Data Package M R B M R B M R B M R B M R B Operations Data F R B F R B Observatory End Item Data Package F R B GLAST Project Office Observatory Office NCR/CA
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 21 LAT Materials and Parts Material requirements –Source: 433-MAR-0001, “Mission Assurance Requirements” –LAT: LAT-SS-00107-01, “Mechanical Parts Plan” Material Usage Agreement (MUA) needed for non-compliant materials –All materials have been assessed by GSFC materials branch to be compliant to standards and used in conventional methods –Currently the project requires no MUA’s Relevant procedures and guidelines for material selection –Metallic Materials for Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Sodium Chloride Environment (MSFC-STD-3029) –Fastener Integrity Requirements (541-PG-8072.1.2) –Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials for Outgassing (ASTM-E-595) Total Materials Count on LAT M&P List
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 22 LAT M&P List: Inorganic, Polymer and Composite Materials Inorganic materials –Inorganic materials submitted to LAT IPO as of 29 April 2003 Polymers and Composites –Polymer and composite materials submitted to LAT IPO as of 29 April 2003 Inorganic Materials Count on LAT M&P List Polymer and Composite Materials Count on LAT M&P List
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 23 LAT M&P List: Lubricants and Processes Lubricants –Lubricants used only in static applications, largely for bolts –No moving parts within the LAT –Lubricants submitted to LAT IPO as of 29 April 2003 Processes –M & P list collects process information for all heat treating and surface treatment processes –Processes submitted to LAT IPO as of 29 April 2003 Lubricant Count on LAT M&P List Processes on LAT M&P List
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 24 Materials List Pending Items Pending items as of 29 April 2003 Reasons for status –Specific material not yet chosen –Waiting for “TBD’s” to be filled in –Outgassing testing in progress Mechanical Parts Review Board will evaluate materials once missing information is collected from test results or work with manufacturer Final step is to validate materials list –Cross-check against drawing list –Check for missing materials and processes Materials Pending Materials Branch Approval
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 25 Systems Safety The purpose of the LAT Systems Safety Program is to identify the hazards of the LAT and impose design requirements and establish controls to reduce the associated risk to acceptable levels. Established and implemented System Safety Program Plan (SSPP), LAT-MD-00078 –Complies with EWR 127-1, Eastern and Western Range Safety Requirements –LAT Preliminary Hazard Analysis, LAT-MD-00366 Identifies safety critical areas, assesses risk, and establishes requisite hazard controls –LAT Operating and Support Hazard Analysis, LAT-MD-01968 Evaluates activities for hazards or risks introduced into the system by operational and support procedures and evaluates the adequacy of operational and support procedures used to eliminate, control, or abate identified hazards or risks.
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 26 LAT Hazard Analysis 17 Hazardous Materials Mechanical damage to calorimeter Calorimeter 10 Hazardous Materials Rupture of heat pipes Mechanical 8 Collision Structural failureMechanical 8 Electrical Electrical short circuit or overloadElectronics RAV* Hazards Group Hazards Subsystem Risk Priority: Unacceptable Undesirable (Acceptable With Proper Controls) Operation Permissible Hazard controls have been identified and established Verification of hazard controls will be on-going *The Risk Assessment Value (RAV) is derived from MIL-STD-882D, Standard Practices for System Safety.
GLAST LAT ProjectCDR/CD3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967Section 17 27 LAT Operating and Support Hazard Analysis Electrical Electromagnetic interface Electronics Electrical Electrostatic discharge Electronics Occupational Personnel contact with sharp edges, pinch points, or rotating fixture ALL 8 Collision Structural failure or improper use of MGSE I&T 10 Electrical Power distribution system overload or short circuits I&T Electronics RAV*Hazards GroupHazardsSubsystem 10 All hazard identified in Preliminary Hazard Analysis apply to Operating and Support Hazard Analysis *The Risk Assessment Value (RAV) is derived from MIL-STD-882D, Standard Practices for System Safety. Risk Priority: Unacceptable Undesirable (Acceptable With Proper Controls) Operation Permissible
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