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P OSITIVE P SYCHOLOGY Basic concepts Nagy Henriette Gyurkovics Máté.

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Presentation on theme: "P OSITIVE P SYCHOLOGY Basic concepts Nagy Henriette Gyurkovics Máté."— Presentation transcript:

1 P OSITIVE P SYCHOLOGY Basic concepts Nagy Henriette Gyurkovics Máté

2 Positive psychology as the science of psychological well-being and human strengths

3 H ISTORICAL ANTECENDENTS Positive Psychology Goals and goal- setting teory Humanistic psychology Intentional self- development Person- environment fit Self- determination Social-cognitive theory

4 H UMAN NATURE Actualizing tendencyAgencyAltruismAuthenticityAutonomyGrowth goalsPersonal responsibility

5 T HE WORLD OF STRENGTHS AND VIRTUES Charisma Character-strengths (VIA) Strengths (Gallup) Strength (personality) Strength perspective Values Virtues

6 V IRTUES AND S TRENGTHS : VIA PROJECT CourageCuriosityForgiveness Future mindedness GratitudeHonestyHumilityHumorIntimacyPlayReligiousnessSpiritualityWisdom

7 The biopsychosocial conditions of the establishment and maintenance of positive states.

8 C ENTRAL C ONCEPTS OF WELL - BEING PROJECTS Autenthic happiness Eudaimonia Good life Happiness Hedonics Life satisfaction Well-being

9 SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING, J OY FUL LIFE AmusementAweCompassionContentmentEnjoymentHopeJoyPleasure Positive emotions VigorVitality Broaden and build theory of positive emotions

10 M EANINGFUL LIFE Experience sampling method FlowMeaning Positive experiences Purpose in life Spiritual well-being

11 P ERSONALITY ANTECEDENTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL IMMUNITY. T HE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL MODEL OF COPING. Confidence Hardiness Learned optimism Mature defense mechanism Protective factor Resilience Self-efficacy Self-esteem Self-regulation

12 P OSITIVE IMPACTS OF COPING : MENTAL HEALTH CONCEPTS OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Anticipathory enthusiasm CopingFlourishingMental health Proactive coping SavoringSmiles

13 . T HEORIES AND MEASURING ALTERNATIVES OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY, WISDOM AND MINDFULNESS. Creativity Emotional creativity Emotional intelligence Folk wisdom Giftedness Succesful aging Wisdom Balance

14 P OSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY IN CLINICAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY. Benefit finding Post- traumatic growth Positive affectivity Optimism Spirituality Forgive- ness Mindful- ness

15 A PPLIED POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Clifton strengths finder Clifton Youth Strength Explorer Positive ethics Positive psychology network Positive psychotherapy Positive therapy Positive youth development Templeton Foundation Virtue ethics Well-being therapy

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