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Demo Teaching in English III (Literature) Intensive Training Program in English Philippine Normal University Lopez, Quezon May 18, 2011 Demo Teachers:

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Presentation on theme: "Demo Teaching in English III (Literature) Intensive Training Program in English Philippine Normal University Lopez, Quezon May 18, 2011 Demo Teachers:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demo Teaching in English III (Literature) Intensive Training Program in English Philippine Normal University Lopez, Quezon May 18, 2011 Demo Teachers: JAY O. ERIA Camohaguin National High School SHERWIN A. SAAVEDRA Panikihan National High School

2 ?





7 Choices: a.damsel b.arena c.beast

8 arena (plural arenas) noun 1.stadium: an indoor or outdoor area surrounded by seating for spectators, where shows or sports events take place; or in which gladiatorial contests and other entertainments were staged >> Say the word. >>>Use the word in a sentence.

9 Choices: a.damsel b.arena c.beasbt

10 damsel (plural damsels) noun 1. girl or young woman: a girl or young unmarried woman, originally one of noble birth >> Say the word. >>>Use the word in a sentence.

11 Choices: a.damsel b.arena c.beast

12 beast (plural beasts) noun 1.scary animal; monster >> Say the word. >>>Use the word in a sentence.


14 American writer & Humorist Born in Philadelphia in 1834 Discouraged by his father from being a writer After father’s death in 1967, he wrote for a newspaper founded by his brother Became assistant editor of St. Nicholas Magazine until 1878 when forced to resign due to failing eyesight Continued to write by dictating his stories to wife or secretary until death (brain hemorrhage) in 1902.


16 Title Setting Characters Beginning Problem Solution Climax Ending


18 How the princess would have ended it How the man would have ended it How the king would have ended it Drama1 Drama2 Drama3 How you would have ended it Drama4 Dramatize an ending based on :



21 1.Supposing that you were the bestfriend of the princess, what would you advise her to do? Write her a letter. Follow the format in writing a friendly letter.

22 2. Accomplish your Reflective Log. Name:Date: Year/Section:Teacher: MY REFLECTIVE LOG 1. What I like about the lesson and why? 2. What have I learned from the lesson? 3. The things that I am unsure about the lesson for clarification.

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