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Where have you come from? Who has shaped you? Who has shaped you? What has shaped you? What has shaped you?

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Presentation on theme: "Where have you come from? Who has shaped you? Who has shaped you? What has shaped you? What has shaped you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where have you come from? Who has shaped you? Who has shaped you? What has shaped you? What has shaped you?

2 Where have you come from? Reflect on how your life has unfolded and the decisions you have made in light of what has taken place so far. Reflect on how your life has unfolded and the decisions you have made in light of what has taken place so far.

3 Where have you come from? Who are the significant people in your life that have shaped your character? Who are the significant people in your life that have shaped your character? What significant events have shaped the way you live, the choices you make, the way you decide what is right and wrong? What significant events have shaped the way you live, the choices you make, the way you decide what is right and wrong?

4 Where have you come from? Write a paragraph for each of two or three significant people in your life and how they have challenged you to change the way you see things. Write a paragraph for each of two or three significant people in your life and how they have challenged you to change the way you see things. Write a paragraph for each of two or three significant events that have caused you to shift your perspective and the choices you make. Write a paragraph for each of two or three significant events that have caused you to shift your perspective and the choices you make. You need a total of five paragraphs. You need a total of five paragraphs. You may choose all events or all people, but your paragraphs will tell a story. You may choose all events or all people, but your paragraphs will tell a story.

5 Where have you come from? Example Paragraph: The Five Candies Example Paragraph: The Five Candies When I was about seven years old I went to the grocery store with my sister and her friend. While they were off shopping in the aisles, I stayed at the front of the store milling around the open candy bins. For whatever reason, I choose five candies that I liked and put them in my pocket. When my sister and her friend were done with their shopping, we rode our bikes home. On the way, I offered them each a candy. I thought I was being generous. My sister said, “I’m telling!”

6 Where have you come from? She kept her promise and told my mom that I had stolen five candies. My mom called the police! While she spoke with them on the phone, I hid under the bed. What I didn’t know was that she was faking. She wanted to hear me say that I would never do it again. The next day my dad took me to the store to pay for the candies. I paid from my own piggy bank, correcting the wrong I had done. I learned that stealing, even when you don’t get caught, is wrong. I learned to make the wrong I had done right, even if it embarrassed me (202).

7 Create a Symbol of the Person/ Event The Five Candies The Five Candies

8 Create a Symbol of the Person/ Event The School Field The School Field

9 Project: Living On Purpose Five Parts: 1. Paragraphs about Significant People/ Events 2. Descriptive/ Artistic Profile (Left Facing) 3. Descriptive/ Artistic Profile (Right Facing) 4. Quick Write/ Life Motto 5. Character Map

10 Paragraph Layout Significant Person or Event _______________________________ Significant Person or Event _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ (150-250 Words) Symbol

11 Profiles Make two profiles:One facing Left (Past) Make two profiles:One facing Left (Past) One Facing Right (Future)

12 Adjectives that Describe You Create a list of as many character adjectives as you can that accurately describe you. Create a list of as many character adjectives as you can that accurately describe you. Consider the following areas of your life: Consider the following areas of your life: Your personality, characteristics, emotions, how you relate to others, and your perspective on life. Focus on adjectives that describe your moral character.

13 Adjectives that Describe You Example List: Example List: Enthusiastic, diligent, joyful, truthful, thrifty, careful, grateful, moody, nosey. See Character Trait Noun Definitions on the wikispace under Habits 1-3, Week 4: August 29-September 2, 2011 See Character Trait Noun Definitions on the wikispace under Habits 1-3, Week 4: August 29-September 2, 2011

14 Mi-cro-graph-y Micro means small, like microscopic. It is the opposite of macro. Micro means small, like microscopic. It is the opposite of macro. Graph means something written or drawn. Graph means something written or drawn. Micrography is a form of art using small “script written into abstract patterns or formed into the shape of objects, animals or human figures.” Micrography is a form of art using small “script written into abstract patterns or formed into the shape of objects, animals or human figures.” Quoted from: This type of artwork began in the 9 th Century. This type of artwork began in the 9 th Century.

15 Micrography

16 Micrography

17 Micrography See Amazing Examples of Micrography on the wikispace. There are two links to give you some ideas. See Amazing Examples of Micrography on the wikispace. There are two links to give you some ideas.

18 Adjectives  Micrography Now take your adjectives and arrange them into the shape of your left facing profile. Place the adjectives strategically where you think they best fit. You can use your adjectives as many times as you wish to emphasize certain aspects of who you are. You can use them to create shapes, shades and shadows. Now take your adjectives and arrange them into the shape of your left facing profile. Place the adjectives strategically where you think they best fit. You can use your adjectives as many times as you wish to emphasize certain aspects of who you are. You can use them to create shapes, shades and shadows.

19 Micrography

20 Drawing With Words

21 Adjectives Describing Character Able Able Accomplished Accomplished Adaptable Adaptable Ambitious Ambitious Angry Angry Anxious Anxious Argumentative Argumentative Arrogant Arrogant Bitter Bitter Bright Bright See wikispace for Character Adjectives Resources

22 Character Map: Basic Components Birth Date Mini- Right Facing Profile Mini- Left Facing Profile Life Motto No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 1

23 Quick Write Do a quick write (15 minutes) on how you want your life to be remembered. Begin with, “I want to be remembered as a person who...” Do a quick write (15 minutes) on how you want your life to be remembered. Begin with, “I want to be remembered as a person who...” Or you can look imaginatively into the future and begin, “I want to be a person who...” Or you can look imaginatively into the future and begin, “I want to be a person who...”

24 Quick Write This quick write will focus on your character goals, not your career goals.

25 Quick Write A Quick Write is a way to express your thoughts about something on paper in a short space of time. You focus on writing down your ideas in a continuous flow without stopping until the set time is up. A Quick Write is a way to express your thoughts about something on paper in a short space of time. You focus on writing down your ideas in a continuous flow without stopping until the set time is up. You focus on expressing a deep understanding of a topic in a logical, understandable and convincing way that is perceptive and insightful. You focus on expressing a deep understanding of a topic in a logical, understandable and convincing way that is perceptive and insightful.

26 Quick Write Look back from the end of your life: Look back from the end of your life: “I want to be remembered as a person who...” or... Look ahead toward your future: Look ahead toward your future: “I want to be a person who...” X ......  X

27 Quick Write Take 15 minutes to edit your quick write, making it more focused and strong. Take 15 minutes to edit your quick write, making it more focused and strong.

28 Quick Write From your quick write, reduce your thoughts to create a Life Motto. From your quick write, reduce your thoughts to create a Life Motto. A Motto is “a brief statement used to express a principle, goal or ideal ” (American Heritage Dictionary, 2001).

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