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Scientific Discoveries. Medical Advances Canadian scientists discovered how to treat diabetes using insulin British scientists discovered penicillin for.

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1 Scientific Discoveries

2 Medical Advances Canadian scientists discovered how to treat diabetes using insulin British scientists discovered penicillin for treating infections French scientists discovered how to treat tuberculosis

3 Sigmund Freud 1856 – 1939 Austrian doctor who pioneered the field of psychoanalysis Developed the “talking therapy” for treating simple neuroses Attempted to explain how dreams develop Believed that all human motivation was driven by unfulfilled sexual desires Developed idea of ego & id Almost all of his theories were incorrect, but they led to more research into psychology

4 Marie Curie 1867 – 1934 Polish-French scientist Won Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry Discovered 2 new radioactive elements (radium & polonium) Unfortunately, her research also killed her – she died from radiation poisoning

5 Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955 German / American Non-practicing Jew who left Germany for the US due to growing anti-Semitism Developed his theory of relativity (E=mc²) which explains the relationship between time and space His theories helped in the development of the atomic bomb

6 Artistic Movements

7 Cubism: art made up of many broken angles and planes



10 Pablo Picasso 1881 – 1973 Spanish artist

11 Abstract Art: art made up of lines, colors, & shapes with no recognizable subject


13 Paul Klee 1879 – 1940 Swiss Experimented with many different forms of art, including music Deeply affected by the death of many of his friends in WWI Forced out of Germany by the Nazis, moved back to Switzerland

14 Dadaism: art “without discipline or morality”


16 Hans Arp 1886 – 1966 French-German Born in territory disputed by France & Germany Faked insanity to avoid serving in the German army in WWI Fled to Switzerland during WWII

17 Surrealism: art that attempt to portray the workings of the unconscious mind




21 Salvador Dali 1904 – 1989 Spanish noble Eccentric, liked attention Kicked out of art school Had a famous falling out with his father over his art Too many weird stories to fit here!

22 Bauhaus Architecture

23 Frank Lloyd Wright 1867 – 1959 American architect Also designed furniture, stained glass Abandoned his family for a married woman, but one of his servant then murdered his mistress (& 6 others) with an axe and burned Wright’s home Designed over 500 buildings

24 Erich Maria Remarque 1898 – 1970 German, served in WWI All Quiet on the Western Front (1929) Eventually moved to U.S. in 1930s after Nazis banned his work His sister was executed by the Nazis just for being related to him

25 T.S. Eliot 1888 – 1965 American who emigrated to Britain at age 25 Poet, playwright, author The Waste Land, Murder in the Cathedral, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Nobel Prize winner

26 Ernest Hemingway 1899 – 1961 American Wounded in WWI A Farewell to Arms, The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Old Man and the Sea Avid outdoorsman, war- correspondent, adventurer Frequently injured Suffered from depression and received electroshock therapy which led to his eventual mental breakdown and suicide

27 F. Scott Fitzgerald 1896 – 1940 American Lived the chaotic lifestyle of “The Lost Generation” - drank heavily, spent heavily, and died young The Great Gatsby

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