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English American Society 1650s-1770s Ch 4 thematic review.

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1 English American Society 1650s-1770s Ch 4 thematic review

2 I. Throughout the late 1600s, the colonies grew economically. A.1650-1770: Colonial economies grew 2xs as fast as England. B.American colonies became an important source of raw materials 1.British passed laws to protect and dominate trade with their colonies. C.Colonists were also a huge market for British goods.

3 II. Prosperity was not evenly distributed among all colonists. A.Large land owners (esp in the southern colonies) became very wealthy from trade. 1.They wanted to copy the English gentry in manners, lifestyle and beliefs. 2.Built large homes, imported luxury goods from Europe, and adopted the attitudes of British aristocracy. B.Small landowners and others did not acquire the same wealth. 1.Most non-wealthy colonists didn’t care about British society and began developing their own habits and lifestyle that suited the New World.

4 III. The divide between wealthy and “average” American colonist lead to different cultures emerging. A.Wealthy landowners felt inferior to English nobility and tried to recreate British life. 1.Relied on Europe for trends and styles, arts and culture and intellectual beliefs. 2.To some degree, tried to behave as the aristocracy, looking down on the “commoners” of the colonies while also feeling responsible to care for and lead them. 3.British aristocracy, however, viewed them as inferior and “rough” and did not view them as equals. This would lead to demands for greater self governance and respect within the Empire and eventually an American, not British, identity.

5 B.“Average” colonists were not as concerned with copying British society and developed different lifestyles. 1.Homes were modest for some, very rough for others in the backcountry or frontier. 2.Most were still very religious, did not adopt Enlightenment beliefs. 3.The Great Awakening lead to a growth in different religions and affiliation became another marker of class. a.Baptists in the south 4.Would come to identify as American and not accept the political and culture hierarchy of England, even as the economic divide within the colonies continued to grow.

6 C.Divisions within colonial society would grow but it would begin to resemble England less. 1.No aristocracy meant room for opportunity and change. 2.Greater landownership meant more participation. 50-75% of white men could vote 3.Hands off approach from Britain would give colonists a sense of confidence in self- governance 4.Reliance on slave labor would continue to shape economic development as their would not be a need for white labor.

7 Thesis Statement By the late 1600s, social diversions had emerged in the colonies that mirrored English society, however colonial economic and social conditions allowed for the beginning of a uniquely American society to develop.

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