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Linear Plot and Conflict. Linear Plot Every short story or novel follows a linear plot, a straightforward storyline that contains all of the plot elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Linear Plot and Conflict. Linear Plot Every short story or novel follows a linear plot, a straightforward storyline that contains all of the plot elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linear Plot and Conflict

2 Linear Plot Every short story or novel follows a linear plot, a straightforward storyline that contains all of the plot elements in chronological order. Plot: the important series of events or actions that happen in a story.

3 Conflict: the struggle between two opposing forces that drive the story forward. Without a conflict, there is no story to be told. THE M,AIN CHARACTER, PROTAGONIST… There are 2 different kinds of conflict: internal and external.

4 Types of Conflict Internal – the conflict is within the character himself Example: a character struggles with low-self esteem, self- doubt, fear, etc. External the conflict is between the character and an outside force.

5 MAN VS. SELF Internal conflict Example: a character struggles with low-self esteem, self-doubt, fear, etc. I can’t do it!

6 Man vs. Man When the main character struggles with the actions or ideas of another character. In The Outsiders, the Socs and the Greasers have a man vs. man conflict. They don’t like each other and so they fight.

7 Man vs. Nature When the main character faces forces of nature. – Weather and animals

8 Man vs. Society When the main character struggles against ideas or way of life held by many or all people. In The Giver, Jonas struggles against the ideas and way of life of the people in his town. African people faced a man vs. society conflict when people in America believed it was okay to use humans for slave work.

9 Linear Plot continued… Exposition/Introduction: The beginning of the story where the characters, setting and conflict are introduced.

10 Rising Action: the events that develop the conflict and lead to the climax of the story. Tension (stress) is building during these events. ***Introduces obstacles that make the conflict more complicated.

11 Climax: the point of highest tension in the story. After it occurs, the events lead to the end of the story and the resolution of the conflict.

12 Falling Action: the events after the climax that lead to the end of the story and the resolution of the conflict.

13 Denouement/Conflict Resolution: this is where everything is completed, questions are answered and secrets are revealed.

14 The End

15 To find the main conflict… Remember, the main conflict is the one that DRIVES THE WHOLE STORY FORWARD… it makes the whole story happen. First: Determine who is the main character of the story… Second: Determine what the main character wants to accomplish Third: Determine what is keeping the main character from getting what he/she wants. Whatever is keeping him/her from accomplishing what they want, that is your PRIMARY CONFLICT

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