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Published byRegina Welch Modified over 9 years ago
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Electroweak Hadron Physics
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Short History decay: - effective G F - V-A current E122: Parity Violation in ed DIS, first confirmation of Electroweak SM (1978) sin 2 w = 0.224 + 0.020 High precision Z-pole measurements + e - beam technology: weak interactions are a new perturbative probe of hadronic matter
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Weak Interactions & Hadrons Semi-Leptonic: e - scattering Pure hadronic: PV meson-hadron couplings CC beams e - beam? NC Test Electroweak Sector of Standard Model @ low E New probe of hadron structure
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay e - Neutral Current Z0Z0 e - (k) Q 2 <<M Z 2 e’ - (k’) q=k-k’ M Z ~ g 2 /M Z 2 M ~ e 2 /Q 2 e = g sin w Can’t access NC via a cross section measurement
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Parity Violation Z0Z0 e-e- e-’e-’ << 1
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Observables from e - NC Z0Z0 e-e- e-’e-’ q V A V coupling to the lepton: Suppressed by 1 - 4sin 2 W ~ 0 Axial form factor G A (Q 2 ) Anapole moment Only Vector/Axial interference contributes
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Observables from e - NC Z0Z0 e-e- e-’e-’ q V A V coupling to the target dominates: Weak charge: Q W = f(Z,N, sin 2 W ) Low E tests of SM Q W (Q 2 ) Weak FF ( See K. Paschke’s talk ) Complementary probe (accuracy, kine.) R n (elastic e-Pb), u/d (PVDIS), …
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Running of sin 2 W E158: Parity violation in e - -e - scattering Atomic parity violation NuTeV: neutrino NC/CC cross sections 3 types of measurements at Q 2 <<M Z 2 : sin 2 W parametrizes all vector weak couplings Loop corrections: sin 2 W sin 2 W (Q 2 ) 3%
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay SLAC Experiment E158 Detector e 50 GeV Liquid Hydrogen A PV = - + At tree level: In practice: A PV ~1.5 x 10 -7 2 (3 + cos ) 2 2 16 sin 2 A PV = 1 4 sin 2 w () m E G F e - scattering Small but very sensitive
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Experimental Challenges oStatistics integrated rate = 4 GHz 10 16 e - detected A = 10 -8 e-p elastic production radiative inelastic e-p 2 and AT oBackground
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Experimental Challenges toroid 30 ppm oBeam monitoring & resolution jitter versus statistics
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Experimental Challenges oBeam systematics false asymmetries Polarized Source Slow reversals
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay E158 Results A PV (Q 2 =0.026 GeV 2 ) = -131 14 stat 10 syst ppb LL ~ 10 TeV SO(10) Z’ ~ 900 GeV lepton flavor violating coupling ~ 0.01G F Limits on physics beyond SM (95% CL): Phys.Rev.Lett.95:081601,2005 sin 2 W | exp = 0.2397 ± 0.0010 ± 0.0008 sin 2 θ W | theo = 0.2381 ± 0.0006
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Running of sin 2 W
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay NuTeV Iron target Z W
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay NuTeV -hadron neutral current:
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay NuTev Results 3 discrepancy ! New physics or spurious nuclear effect? Sensitivity to many nuclear effects… but no obvious explanation so far NLO Corrections QCD symmetry violations (isospin, sea quarks) … sin 2 W | exp = 0.2360 ± 0.0013 stat ± 0.0009 syst sin 2 θ W | theo = 0.2309 ± 0.0004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 091802 (2002) Need more experimental constraints
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Atomic PV Radiative transition in the weak field of the nucleus (q ~ 1 MeV) A PV = . Q W Atomic structure Weak charge Q W = (2Z+N)C 1u +(2N+Z)C 1d = Z(1-4sin 2 W )-N ~ -N Less sensitive but sub-percent accuracy ! Semi-leptonic sector:
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Z 3 law Heavy Atoms Control of the atomic structure Cesium, chain of isotopes Highly suppressed QED transition Atomic PV = E 1 + M 1 ~ ForbidenSuppressed A PV ~ E 1 PV / E 1 Stark |ns 1/2 > ~ =|ns 1/2 >+ |np 1/2 > + E 1 PV Induced by external E 0 field Rate E 0 2 A PV 1/E 0 + E 1 Stark
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Boulder Experiment F=3 F=4 F=3 m=-4 m=-3 m=+3 m=+4 m=-4 m=-3 m=+3 m=+4 6p 3/2 F=5 4 3 2 D1 D2 D1,D2Laser D3 Signal= flux on photodiode 133 Cs 6s 1/2 7s 1/2 + 6p 1/2 Q W (exp) = -72.71 ± 0.29 (exp) ± 0.39 (theo) Q W (theo) = -73.19 ± 0.131 agreement
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay - 1 = (4.8 ± 0.7) 10 -2 Boulder Experiment (7 !) Similar e - /vector-nucleon/axial coupling but 5 times bigger Parity violation through internal meson exchange, also measured in PV hadron scattering A PV (6s 7s, F=-1) A PV (6s 7s, F=+1) r hf = e-e- pp e-e- Z0Z0 First measurement of a non-zero nuclear anapole moment
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Running of sin 2 W
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Future Complementary targets Ultra high precision Moller Atomic PV Q p weak (radioactive atoms, isotopes…)
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Qweak 242 0 0Q QQQ 24 QB G p weak F A PV Constrained by other PV measurements at higher Q 2 Elastic ep
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Qweak 35cm Liquid Hydrogen Target Collimator with 8 openings θ= 8° ± 2° Region I GEM Detectors Region II Drift Chambers Toroidal Magnet Region III Drift Chambers Scattered e - Eight Fused Silica (quartz) Čerenkov Detectors Luminosity Monitors Beam: E = 1.165 GeV I = 180 μA P e = 85% Kinematics: Int. Rate = 6.4 GHz = 0.030 GeV 2 = –0.29 ppm PV in elastic e p A PV /A PV =2.2% Q p W /Q p W =4% sin 2 W =0.0007
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Running of sin 2 W Qweak LC e - e -
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Future Complementary targets Ultra high precision New hadron probe Strange FF, Neutron skin PVDIS Z0Z0 e-e- e-’e-’ p,d, 4 He, 208 Pb Z0Z0 e-e- e-’e-’ p,d
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Neutron Skin F W (Q 2 ) F (Q 2 ) -N F n (Q 2 ) + (1-4sin 2 W ) Z F p (Q 2 ) Z F p (Q 2 ) e-e- 208 Pb Z0Z0 Born Approximation ( R 2 =R 2 n -R 2 p ) Rn/Rn~1% See R. Michaels’ poster
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Parity Violating DIS f q (x): quark distribution functions Valence Quark distributions at high x C 2q ’s factors Higher twist physics & Charge symmetry breaking Z0Z0 e-e- e-’e-’ p,d Judicious choices of kinematics and targets allow to test:
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay PVDIS on 2 H E122 JLab TeV scale physics Sensitivity to C 2q Higher twist Isospin violation Isoscalar target, most of quark distribution effects cancel out Jlab 6GeV + 12GeV upgrade
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Running of sin 2 W Qweak LC e - e - DIS 12 GeV
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay PVDIS on 1 H Allows d/u measurement on a single nucleon! d/u @ x 1 SU(6): 1/2 pQCD: 1/5 SU(6) breaking: 0 Complementary to other approaches planned for the 12 GeV upgrade of Jlab: 3 H and 3 He structure function ratio Deuteron structure functions with tagged slow recoiling neutrons
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay High x Measurement Multiple A PV measurements (Q 2, x) with multiple targets Scattered electrons from 3 to 8 GeV “Huge” asymmetries Need large solid angle calorimeter “A4-like”, rates up to a few MHz Toroidal sweeping magnet to reject Low E pions
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Hadrons Weak Interactions proton,neutron h w ~ 10 -7 h w ~ 10 -7 (π, ρ, ω) Ν1Ν1Ν1Ν1 Ν2Ν2Ν2Ν2 Ν1΄Ν1΄Ν1΄Ν1΄ Ν2΄Ν2΄Ν2΄Ν2΄ hwhwhwhw gsgsgsgs ~ 1 fm g s ~ 1 g s ~ 1 Z scale ~ 0.001 fm Repulsive hard core of strong NN interaction Meson exchange framework
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Weak Coupling Constants f π, h ρ 0, h ρ 1, h ρ 2, h ω 0, h ω 1, h ρ 1’ PNC at Atomic Level – Anapole Moments ( 133 Cs) PNC at Atomic Level – Anapole Moments ( 133 Cs) Determination: { f π, h ρ 0 } Longitudunal Asym in Elastic p + p ( 15, 45, 221, … MeV ) Longitudunal Asym in Elastic p + p ( 15, 45, 221, … MeV ) A L = 1±4 x 10 -7, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 1307, (1974) !! First non-zero PV in NN-system: A L =2.3±0.9 x 10 -7 Multiple energies: separation { h ρ, h } Parity Mixed Doublets of Light Nuclei ( 18 F, 19 F, 21 Ne …) Parity Mixed Doublets of Light Nuclei ( 18 F, 19 F, 21 Ne …) Determination: { f π }
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay LANSCE @ LANL A exp = - 5±0.5 x 10 -8 Goal: n + p d + Accurate measurement of h 1 Taking Data !
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay The 10 MeV CW-Linac at IASA, Athens γ + d p + n E(γ) = 3 – 8 MeV
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Summary Polarized sources and beam optics High rate integrating (few GHz) and counting (few MHz)detectors Cryogenic Targets Polarimetry Experimental Advances Strong Physics cases TeV scale physics complementary to colliders Nucleon Structure at high Q 2 high x Strange Form Factors
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Cesium PV Versus Time Modifications in the theoretical corrections to the atomic structure 0.240 0.238 0.236 0.234 0.232 0.230 1997 1998 1999 2000 Standard Model sin 2 w Wieman et al. Bennett Wieman Derevianko Dzuba Flambaum 20012002 Kozlov Porsev Tupitsyn Johnson Bednyhakov Soff Kuchiev Flambaum 2003
EINN05, Milos 21 September, 2005 David LHUILLIER – CEA Saclay Weak meson-N Coupling Constants DDH:Desplanques, Donoghue, Holstein DZ:Dubovic & Zenkin FCDH:Feldman, Crawford, Dubach, Holstein D:Desplanques KM:Kaiser & Meissner
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