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Digital Storytelling Using E- Portfolios Sean Keesler – The Living SchoolBook Project Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Storytelling Using E- Portfolios Sean Keesler – The Living SchoolBook Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Storytelling Using E- Portfolios Sean Keesler – The Living SchoolBook Project Manager

2 A Portfolio is: A collection of artifacts. A personal, ongoing student journal designed to keep a record of emerging ideas and accomplishments. A student authored work designed and published to present ideas, evidence of learning, accomplishments, and/or competency to an audience. A student authored work designed and published to solicit feedback/formative evaluation of their progress toward their learning objectives. A student authored work designed and published to collect and present information to faculty.

3 The Portfolio Holy War Should portfolios be truly student centered/owned…assessment as learning? Should portfolios be prescriptive institutional vehicles assessed in a more traditional/uniform manner. Or both?

4 Media Rich Portfolios frequently contain: –Narrative text –Digital images –Video clips –Files of any type

5 Portfolio Process Collection of artifacts Purposeful Selection of artifacts Description of artifacts Summarization of ideas Reflection on learning or progress Publication or sharing Reaction to feedback/assessment

6 Challenges of Implementation Artifact collection Student motivation Good reflection –What? –So What? –Now What? Assessment strategy

7 Artifact collection

8 ...vs. Artifact Collection

9 Portfolios & Lifelong Learning Portfolio owners should –Plan their own learning –Assess themselves –Play an active role in their learning –Learn in formal and informal settings –Integrate knowledge from various sources –Use different learning strategies for different situations Evaluating Knapper, C. and Cropley, A. J. Lifelong learning in higher education. London : Kogan Page, 2000.

10 Assess against what? If a portfolio is a living document, it probably will address multiple learning objectives. –Institutional Outcomes? –Class objectives? –Personal learning outcomes?

11 Assessment for Learning Frequent, formative assessment of student portfolios to scaffold and guide their own plans for learning. Peer assessment of portfolios. Self assessment of portfolios.

12 Assessment of Learning Infrequent, summative assessment of student portfolio. Problematic - high stakes evaluation of portfolios shapes their content.

13 Recommendations Understand your purpose before you engage students in this process. Scaffold the process and create prompts to achieve the effect you desire. Resist the urge to hold all portfolios to the same standards and reach summative decisions about them. Use portfolios as a tool to (frequently) revisit, guide and help students to plan their own next steps.

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