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BMTS 351 & MET 352 Biomed Basic Analog Electronics Instructor: Eng. Abdulrahman Alqahtani Site:

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1 BMTS 351 & MET 352 Biomed Basic Analog Electronics Instructor: Eng. Abdulrahman Alqahtani Site:

2 BMTS 351 & MET 352 Biomed Basic Analog Electronics Text Book: "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory" Robert L. Boylestad, 11 th Edition, Printice Hall. Recommended readings: Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices Conventional Current Version”, 7 th edition, Printice Hall, 2005 Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Second Edition by Jimmie J. Cathey Publisher: McGraw-Hill | 2 edition (June 5, 2002) | ISBN: 0071362703

3 Grading Midterm 1 15 degrees Midterm 215 degrees Quizzes 5 degrees Activity (homework, class work, attendance,.) 5 degrees Laboratory20 degrees Final exam40 degrees

4 Important Rules The precondition to attend final exam is to be present in at least 75% of lectures. There will not be replacement exams for either midterms or quizzes only if there is medical report, the grade of quiz or midterm will be added to the final exam.

5 أيام الاسبوع المحاضرات الاسبوعية و الساعات المكتبية 8-9 9- 10 10-11 11- 12 12 – 1 1-22 - 33- 4 4- 5 الأحد BMTS 351 - LECT (1014) صلاة الظهر الاثنين MET 352 - LECT (999) BMTS 351 - LAB (1015) ساعة مكتبية Office Hour الثلاثاء ساعة مكتبية Office Hour إجتماع القسم Department Meeting MET 352 - LAB (1000) الأربعاء BMTS 351 - LECT (1014) ساعة مكتبية Office Hour الخميس

6 Main Topics Semiconductors and Diodes Diode applications Bipolar Junction Transistor DC Biasing BJT BJT Transistor Modeling BJT small signal analysis Field- Effect Transistor FET Biasing FET small signal analysis System approach, effects of R S and R L BJT and JFET frequency-response

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