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The Tudors Games Food Clothes Witchcraft.

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1 The Tudors Games Food Clothes Witchcraft

Odds and Evens Leap Frog Some of the games they played in Tudor times were quite similar to some of the games that we play today. CLICK HERE TO SEE BRUEGHELS PAINTING: CHILDREN’S GAMES

3 Food Facts About Tudor Food Brawn (boar meat) Roast Tongue Leg of Pork
 The Tudors could keep the animals they used for food alive, so meat was available all year round.  Fruit and vegetables could only be eaten when they were in season.  Potatoes were not introduced to the UK until Elizabeth's reign and then would only have been available to the rich. First Course                       Brawn (boar meat) Roast Tongue Leg of Pork Roast Beef            Roast Venison (deer) Meat Pie Vegetables in season Bread Second Course           Roast Lamb Rabbit Tarts and Custard.

4 Clothes Most ordinary people wore clothes similar to those of the rich and fashionable people , but they were simpler and made from cheap material , like wool or linen. Children were usually dressed in smaller versions of their parents clothes. These are the clothes that the women would wear. These are the clothes that the men would wear.

5 Witchcraft In tudor times, if women made potions out of herbs and spices, they were classed as witch. In Tudor times they would stick a long thorn in you and if you cried they would now that they weren't a witch, but if they didn't cry they were classed as a witch. Then they would drowned you in red wine or they would of boiled you.

6 Children Games , By Brueghel

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