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The Research Process Why Do Research? Tennessee State University Undergraduate Classes.

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1 The Research Process Why Do Research? Tennessee State University Undergraduate Classes

2 Research is a process made up of many small steps. What Next? Steps in the Research Process 1. Define your research topic. 2. Conduct searches for information. (only three from online, two from journal/magazine and/ or book). 3. Evaluate the resources that you find by completely reading each. 4. Collect the information (print it, check it out of the library, and etc.). You must have a hard copy. 5. Highlight the information you will use. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BRING ALL TO CLASS!

3 Defining Your Research Topic  Make sure that you understand your assignment.  The next step in the process is defining what you need.  Then distinguish between different types of resources to decide which to use.

4 Defining Your Research Needs What is Your Assignment?  Select an historical sports event, or a sport figure who contributed, or a combination of both, or a group, and others of significance.  Select one of the theories and use it as a foundation to your paper.  Collect resources.

5 Defining Research Needs Which Library Resources? Books Magazines/Journals Internet- Web Sites Newspapers

6 Defining Research Needs Books Books are important resources for Research Historical Information Detail the Definition Past Views View of the Future Use the Online Catalog to locate Books

7 Defining Research Needs Magazines  Magazines or periodicals supply helpful information about general interest issues and current events.  Use NCLive to locate magazine and newspaper articles.

8 Defining Research Needs The World Wide Web  Pro: Web sites provide up-to-the minute news and information about current events, trends, and controversial topics.  Con: Because anyone can publish anything on the web, web site information is frequently inaccurate or biased, and sometimes outdated..

9 2.Developing a Research Strategy Defining Your Topic  1. What is your interest?  2. Discuss with instructor.  3. Google ideas and see what comes  up.

10 Example of a Research Strategy  Break down the main concept into smaller concepts and think of keywords.  Competitive years  History/Background  Impact/Implications  Contribution

11 Conducting Searches for Information Library Web Pages Library Web Pages  Check Finding Your Way Around the Library and Using the Library to do Research for tips  Explore library web pages for further information

12 Conducting Searches for Information Now we are switching from books to periodicals – magazines / newspapers NC LIVE - Steps: NC LIVE  Type in keyword, or keywords  Pick a Database  Click on Full text  Scan articles for relevance to topic  Pull up article  Print or e-mail to yourself  Use information to cite

13 Conducting Searches for Information The World Wide Web  Now we are switching from magazines to the Internet  Fine to use Google  Too much information – need to evaluate  Evaluate results

14 Evaluating Websites  Authority—Who provided the information? Who sponsors this website?  Currency—Is there a date on the page? Is it recent enough to be relevant?  Bias—Does this website have a point of view? Is it designed to influence your opinion?

15 Format/ APA STYLE  Using APA format  Use of 12 pt. font/Times Roman  Use 1” margins all around  Use double space  Text on front page only

16 ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENT # 1  Select topic and be able to summarize why you selected it and what are you researching. ASSIGNMENT # 2  Locate your resources:  A. Two online articles  B. Two journals or  articles, magazines  and/or newspaper  C. One book

17 RESEARCH TIMELINE  Week of:  Oct. 24 nd ----------Bring to class printed hard copies of your resources to be given a grade.  Oct. 29 th ----------No class due to instructor attending conference. Students are  assigned research work below. Use time wisely.  Oct. 31 st ---------- Bring Chapter 1 (Introduction)  Chapter 2 (Literature Review)  Chapter 3 (Methods)  Week of:  Nov. 7 th ---------------------Bring Chapters 1- 3 Nov. 12 th ………………………… Chapter 4 (Discussion of event and contributions to  society (gender, race, country, world)  Chapter 5 (Conclusions will give three major statement)  November 21st th ------------------Final Research Paper Due  Save all work on an external drive!!!!!

18 EXAMPLE OF FORMAT OF CHAPTER ONE  CHAPTER ONE  INTRODUCTION  The purpose of this study was to research the impact of Title IX on the current athletic programs at HBCUs.  In 1972 Title IX became a law, also at this time  several HBCUs were not in compliance. The sport of  football and basketball was the predominate activity in  the athletic department. Many of these schools had to  start women’s sports team to begin the process of being  in compliance at the compliance date of 1978 (Sports Illustrated, 1973).  HBCUs are a collection of schools that are Historical Black Colleges and Universities. There are 106 schools that were started after the civil war with the exception of Cheney State University, who began in 1937 (Jackson,2010). Their purpose were to serve the

19 Chapter Two (Are the references summary in each paragraph)  Chapter Two  Literature Review  In researching the literature for this study, it was  found that several subject areas were related to the  topic. The literature were in two categories.  Carpenter & Acosta (2004) were very detailed in  interpreting the nature of Title IX and how to comply  with the law. They reviewed lawsuits, and historically  accounted the social, legislative and judicial  environment in which Title IX has grown.  Thomas (2010) surveyed NCAA Division I school and  found that 98% were in complete compliance with

20 CHAPTER THREE  CHAPTER THREE  METHODS  During the study, the researcher’s main instrument  of data collections were primary and secondary sources  The data collected were analyzed using inductive  reasoning.  Through inductive reasoning, the researcher  presents it’s finding of this study of the impact of Title  IX on HBCUs. 

21 CHAPTER FOUR  CHAPTER FOUR  DISCUSSION  This study was a research that looked at Title IX  and it’s impact on HBCUs. It was found that the  literature were in two categories. Those categories  were before Title IX era and after Title IX era.  The before Title IX era found that 90% of HBCUs  were not in compliance because at their institutions  women athletics were not developed yet. The rest of  the institutions had less than 2 or less sport teams in  the athletic department (Carpenter & Acosta, 2004).

22 CONCLUSIONS  CHAPTER FIVE  CONCLUSIONS  The following conclusions were drawn from the  research conducted in the study of the impact of Title  IX on HBCUs:  1. During the before Title IX era, 90% of HBCUs were  in the category of non-compliance of the Title IX  intention.  2. Only 10% of the HBCUs sponsored only two or less  women’s athletic teams.  3. After the Title IX era, HBCUs were 99.5% in  compliance with the law.

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