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Ms Smith. THE GREAT GATSBY! Booze! Babes! Parties!Jealousy!Revenge! Hot Cars!MONEY! WHAT COULD BE BETTER??

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Smith. THE GREAT GATSBY! Booze! Babes! Parties!Jealousy!Revenge! Hot Cars!MONEY! WHAT COULD BE BETTER??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms Smith


3 Booze! Babes! Parties!Jealousy!Revenge! Hot Cars!MONEY! WHAT COULD BE BETTER??

4 Define the following: 1) The Roaring 20s – 2) Jazz - 3) Flappers - 4) Prohibition – 5) Gangsters – THINK ABOUT IT

5 Known as a time of change in America The economy was booming! New inventions: refrigerators, cars, movies More people lived in cities More money $$$ Beginning of a consumer society “New woman” – voting rights, fashion, 9 million employed, drinking in public, independent THE ROARING 20S

6 Music changed too! Whimsical and happy. Meant for dancing and encouraged close movements. Greats such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and George Gershwin brought jazz to the clubs, broadway and the masses. Ragtime, swing, big band & Blues emerged. JAZZ

7 The new, liberal, city woman Cut her hair short Wore lots of makeup Wore shortened dresses More freedom to work, date, dance, vote, drink, and go out to have fun FLAPPERS


9 The 18th Amendment (1919) prohibited the sale and consumption of alcohol. Although alcohol was illegal it was distributed through" “ bootleggers ” and sold in “ Speakeasies ”. Bootlegging means the production and sale of liquor. A Speakeasy was an illegal nightclub that sold lots of alcohol (and people danced to Big Band Jazz). It was the time of famous gangsters like Al Capone (famous bootlegger). The introduction of the Mafia to American society. PROHIBITION

10 Beginning of organized crime: Al Capone Made lots of money off of illegally making, selling, and distributing alcohol Was able to manipulate rich & poor Wealthy but seen as dumb immigrant/lowlife 1920S GANGSTERS

11 Jay Gatsby =American Dream (??). Think Pair Share: What is the American Dream? Who has achieved it? THE AMERICAN DREAM

12 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” -People immigrated to America to pursue this very dream. *IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS BABY! THE AMERICAN DREAM


14 What is the difference between A) OLD MONEY And B) NEW MONEY DISCUSSION

15 OLD MONEY 1920S

16 NEW MONEY 1920S

17 New Money: Someone who has achieved the American Dream Not as respected in the 1920’s Example: Old Money: Money from family wealth Born wealthy Not earned through work done by yourself Respected above all in the 1920s Example: OLD MONEY VS NEW MONEY


19 JAY GATSBY The self-made wealthy man who lives next door to Nick Carraway and loves Daisy Buchanan. CHARACTERS

20 Wealthy, Self made man Handsome Charming In love with Daisy (bordering on obession) Will do anything to prove he’s worthy of Daisy’s love Made his fortune in ‘questionable’ ways JAY GATSBY

21 NICK CARRAWAY The narrator Daisy’s cousin Gatsby’s neighbor The observer Confidante Educated/making own money CHARACTERS

22 DAISY BUCHANAN Married to Tom (Aware of his infidelities) Gatsby’s love interest before the war Old Money socialite Beautiful & ditzy Superficial (but is it to Mask her pain?) Cynical CHARACTERS

23 TOM BUCHANAN Daisy’s husband Has an affair with Myrtle Old Money Arrogant Misogynist, racist, Homophobic & a bully! CHARACTERS

24 JORDAN BAKER Daisy’s friend Professional golfer Represents “new woman” Independent Old Money Cynical Beautiful yet dishonest CHARACTERS

25 MYRTLE WILSON Tom’s woman in the city Married to George Poor Voluptuous and sexual Wants a better life CHARACTERS

26 GEORGE WILSON Myrtle’s husband Lifeless & exhausted Poor & working at run-down Auto shop/gas station in ‘ghetto ’ Loves and idealizes Myrtle Clueless Dumb CHARACTERS



29 You are about to read one of the greatest books ever written

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