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Forces and Motion PS. 14-16.  Motion is a change in position  Motion has direction like North, east, south, west, backward, forward, zigzag, circular,

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Presentation on theme: "Forces and Motion PS. 14-16.  Motion is a change in position  Motion has direction like North, east, south, west, backward, forward, zigzag, circular,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forces and Motion PS. 14-16

2  Motion is a change in position  Motion has direction like North, east, south, west, backward, forward, zigzag, circular, up or down  Motion can be measured by its time  Motion can be measured by its distance (with tools like a tape measure) and it is the length between two places  Position is an object’s location compared to other things  You need to know the distance and direction to identify position

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4  FIRST: Read pages 182 and 183 about Speed to yourself  NEXT: Discuss what you read with your group to answer the questions on your guided notes sheet  THEN: Share what you learned with the class  AFTER that… TEST PREP

5  Speed is how fast an object’s position changes over time  Speed is distance divided by time (ex. 20 mi/hr)  Speed is constant if the speedometer shows the same speed every time you look at it  Speed is not always constant- it’s decreasing when you slow down, it’s increasing when you speed up  Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total amount of time (it’s helpful when the speed of an object was changing)  Constant speed is shown as a straight line on a distance-time graph  The steepest line on a graph represents the fastest speed  A curved line on a graph represents changing speed


7  FIRST: Read pages 184 and 185 about Velocity to yourself  NEXT: Discuss what you read with your group to answer the questions on your guided notes sheet  THEN: Share what you learned with the class

8  Velocity describes the speed and direction of an object  Example: 80km/h west  The arrows tell us about the direction and the speed. They point in a direction. If the arrow is longer, it represents a greater speed. If the arrow is shorter, it represents a lower speed.  Velocity changes when the speed changes, or when the direction changes, or when both the speed and direction change.  Velocity is constant when you travel in a straight line at a constant speed.  The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity also tells a direction (speed only tells about distance and time).


10  Classroom greeter- be ready  Yesterday… Our objective was:  I can describe velocity Your homework was to add information to the speed and velocity section of your foldable  Today’s objective: I can describe acceleration  Standard PS. 14-16  Guided notes on acceleration  Foldable completion

11  FIRST: Read pages 186-188 about Acceleration to yourself  NEXT: Discuss what you read with your group to answer the questions on your guided notes sheet  THEN: Share what you learned with the class

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