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Ms. Duncan/Ms. D English II Rm. 617 Rules and Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Duncan/Ms. D English II Rm. 617 Rules and Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Duncan/Ms. D English II Rm. 617 Rules and Procedures

2 Tutorials Mondays beginning at 2:35 I will not wait for you, be on time

3 The Basics Please do not Talk When I Talk No eating or drinking in class All electronic devises must not be seen or heard, and may not be used during instruction time No Personal grooming until the two minute warning

4 Morning Proceedures Come in and get spiral Begin warm-up on the board We will go over warm-up as a class Agenda will be given Lesson begins

5 Supplies You will be required to have a 5 subject spiral with pocket dividers no later than August 30 st. No work that is supposed to be in the spiral will be accepted outside of spiral You will need to have a novel to read for independent reading no later than September 13th

6 Tardy Policy You will be sent to the nearest AP (Mr. Lewis) to get a pass You will not be admitted into class without one.

7 Late Work Policy 25 off points if turned in one day late 5 points off each addition day for 4 days. Unacceptable after 4 days

8 Make-up Work You have the amount of days absent plus one day to get work finished. (ex. You miss two days, you have three days to get the work back) After your allotted time regular late work policy applies

9 Make-up Work (con’t) Assignments can be found on back board If there is a worksheet to be done or notes to be copied, it can be found in the assignment notebook located on table under assignment board Ms. D’s website

10 Class Preparedness Grade Each student begins with a 100 as a class preparedness grade. Your class preparedness grade can replace one daily grade at the end of the 6 weeks You loose points when you are not prepared for class. Point system goes as follows

11 Class Preparedness Grade (con’t) No pencil or paper 1point each infraction No notebook 2 points each infraction Bathroom over 3 5 points each infraction


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